Laser therapy that is cutting-edge offered at Fitzgibbon Chiropractic Fitzgibbon Chiropractic The Marshall Democrat-News

Laser therapy that is cutting-edge offered at Fitzgibbon Chiropractic Fitzgibbon Chiropractic The Marshall Democrat-News

by Richard DeFord Fitzgibbon Hospital

People who suffer with chronic inflammation or pain have an effective partner in their battle, thanks to the laser therapy offered at Fitzgibbon Health. This M6 Robotic MLS Therapy Laser is an FDA-approved non-invasive treatment that uses laser energy to target damaged cells. The resultant reduction in pain as well as the acceleration of healing of soft tissue and wounds have resulted in numerous testimonials about its positive outcomes for healing.

Laser Therapy for MLS MLS Laser Therapy is provided by Dr. Kylie Clemons of Fitzgibbon Chiropractic that is located inside the Fitzgibbon Orthopedic Clinic. Laser therapy is able to be used to treat more areas that are not limited to back discomfort.

“This treatment allows us to treat various conditions, ranging from ligament and tendon strains to wound treatment. It’s been shown to be extremely efficient in assisting in the speedy healing process of minor injuries like ulcers or wounds,” the Dr. Clemons, chiropractor for Fitzgibbon Chiropractic. “It also has a great effect in reducing swelling, and aiding athletes recover faster after the injury.”

The MLS Laser Therapy can be described as a painless treatment that can last, at av-erage, 8 minutes. Patients can feel a comfortable sensation that is not painful when they apply it. Patients can see positive results in just one treatment, but further treatments might be recommended dependent on the nature of the injury that requires treatment.

Injuries that are acute or conditions such as joint strains or muscle soreness generally see improvement quickly, whereas more long-lasting ailments can be managed through routine laser therapy.

“This technology allows people to be relieved of inflammation and pain without having to leave their community,” said Dr. Clemons. “When you’re already in discomfort it is not something you’d want to do is leave from town to get relief.”

Laser therapy is an ideal alternative to pain relief instead of opioids or other medicines which may cause unwanted adverse negative effects. Laser therapy is a safe option, as there’s a very low risk and almost no adverse effects.

MLS Laser Therapy has been proven to be effective in treating many conditions, including back or shoulder pain knee and neck pain arthritis, and bursitis such as sciatic pain. Achilles tendonitis, rota-torcuff tendonitis, tennis, as well as golfer’s elbow. It can also be utilized to reduce the scarring after surgery or another injuries. To schedule your appointment, please call Fitzgibbon Chiropractic at 666-831-3743.