Why Is My Sciatica Not Going Away? The causes and More Healthline

Sciatica can be a condition that is caused by inflammation, irritation and pinching or compression of the sciatic nerve. It can cause moderate to severe discomfort and weakness within your buttocks, lower back and legs.

Sciatica generally heals in Between 4 and 6 weeks

However, for certain people the pain may last longer. This article will take a look at possible reasons for that your sciatica-related pain is persistent.  If you are looking on how to permanently cure your sciatica

Here are a few reasons why your sciatica might be becoming more severe.

Injury and re-injury

If an injury is the reason for your sciatica, and the symptoms improve but then worsen, it could be that you have aggravated the injury which caused your sciatica in the first place.

Accidents that occur suddenly and frequent overuse injuries can cause sciatic pain. Herniated discs are among the most frequent cause of sciatica.

Health conditions and age-related issues

In general, young people heal faster than those who are older. However, there are a variety of diseases that are underlying and can affect the body’s ability to heal. These conditions can include:


Epidural abscess refers to a collection of pus which forms between your vertebrae of your spine and the membranes of your spinal cord. It can cause swelling that places pressure on your nerves , and can cause sciatica.

Wear and tear

The wear and tear of your spine could cause a condition known as spinal stenosis. This is a narrowing of the spaces inside the spine. This can cause compression of the nerve, which can cause sciatica.

Life problems

Sciatica is often responsive to gentle exercises. It’s believed that mobilizing the sciatic nerve could aid in reducing symptoms through a reduction of the sensitivity of the nerve. Stretching and exercise could be suggested as part of treatment.

A sedentary lifestyle and a long period of time in a seated position can cause symptoms of sciatica to worsen.

A tumor or a spinal mass

In rare instances the presence of a tumor could cause pressure on the sciatic nerve. A rare form of tumor that may grow is known as an infected peripheral nerve sheath cancer.


Sciatica is often a result of home remedies, but you should consult an experienced medical professional to confirm that you’re suffering with sciatica. If you’ve not yet tried the treatment of your symptoms with home remedies, you might discover the following techniques beneficial:

  • Cold. Try applying an Ice pack or cold compress to the affected area for around 20 minutes several times throughout the day.
  • HOT. You can apply heating pads or hot packs on the area of pain over 15-20 minutes multiple times throughout the day following the initial couple of days to increase an increase in blood circulation around the injured region.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs). NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen assist in reducing swelling, pain, and inflammation.
  • Stretching, physical therapy and exercise: A physical therapist can help strengthen muscles that are weak, and stretch muscles that are tight and could contribute to your discomfort. The UK’s National Health Service recommends resuming regular exercise and moderate exercise as soon as is possible. Always do these exercises under the supervision by a qualified professional.

Going to a doctor

If you’ve tried your hand at natural remedies but the discomfort is growing worse it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

Your physician may prescribe the use of muscle relaxers, stronger painkillers or other medicines. In certain situations they may prescribe epidural steroids. These drugs are injected into the area surrounding your spinal cord in order to lessen inflammation.

In some instances surgical intervention may be the most appropriate alternative. This is especially true in the event of a rise in pain and pain that doesn’t improve by other treatments, or muscle weakness that result in the loss of bladder or bowel control.

A microdiscectomy is one option A minimally invasive surgical procedure which can provide immediate relief from the symptoms. The procedure is performed to remove the disc material , which puts stress on your sciatic nerve.

Laminectomy is also contemplated, which is an operation that involves the removal of bones to alleviate the pressure on the spinal cord.

Sciatica generally lasts for about

Between 4 and 6 weeks

. But what about

30 percent

Some people continue to show symptoms even after a year.

It’s not always easy to determine what causes people to develop chronic sciatica while others do not. The risk factors that contribute to chronic sciatica include ineffective lifting techniques and not being involved in

regular , moderate-intensity exercise

whenever it is it is.

The risk factors for recurrent herniated discs comprise:

  • Diabetes
  • smoking
  • disc protrusion


Sciatica could recur in cases where the cause of the problem isn’t dealt with. For example, if make use of improper lifting techniques and then develop sciatica as a result of herniating disc, continuing employ the same technique for lifting could result in suffering back injuries again.


Study from 2016

The study found that of 341 people who sought non-surgical treatment to treat a herniated lower back disc 23 percent of those suffering from leg pain felt discomfort again within one year. 51 percent had pain within three years.

The study also revealed that 28 percent of those suffering from lower back pain suffered from discomfort within the first year, and 70 percent had discomfort within three years.


Review of the 2015 study

discovered that more than 60% of the 609 patients looking for treatment for leg and back pain had symptoms lasting longer than three months. A little less than 75 percent of participants who took part in the study suffered from sciatica.

Making lifestyle adjustments such as the ones below can help to avoid the recurrence of sciatica symptoms

  • Consume a balanced diet and work out regularly.
  • Avoid sitting too much, and sit in a comfortable posture.
  • Do not bend your back while lifting large objects.
  • Select exercises that are not likely to cause back injuries.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Reduce the chance to fall by wearing solid footwear and making sure the floors in your home free of clutter.
The majority of the time, mild sciatica goes away within four to six weeks. However, it is important to consult your doctor when you first notice the appearance of symptoms to ensure you’re suffering from sciatica. Return to see an expert medical professional in the following situations:

  • Your pain is becoming more severe
  • your symptoms start after a sudden injury
  • If you experience intense muscles, severe pain or you feel numbness or pain
  • You lose control of your bladder or you have trouble boweling
  • symptoms last for more than six weeks
  • Pain can disrupt your everyday life
  • you haven’t had a response to treatment since your initial visit to a health specialist

Following your initial appointment with a health professional, you’ll need to discuss an idea of when you’ll return if the symptoms don’t go completely.


Most of the time sciatic pain will go away in several months. It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms in order to formulate an appropriate treatment strategy.

There are some who experience discomfort that lasts longer than the average. To avoid recurring sciatica, avoid having to lift with your back bent while lifting. It’s important to exercise regularly and eating a balanced and healthy diet.

If you’re experiencing extreme pain, or your pain is becoming more severe or you notice something else the issue, it’s best to consult a medical specialist.