Sciatica is the most frequent nerve pain Rising Kashmir



The Sciatic nerve , that is often reduced to a medical condition known as Sciatica and is associated with leg pain and numbness that is not as strong or noticeable that starts from the back of the lower part region and gradually moves to the buttock area and then toward the rear in the leg. The majority of the time, sciatica is believed to affect just one part of the lower part of the body, with pain that extends through the back of your lower thigh to the rear of the thigh, and then down to the rear to the back of your leg. The pain may continue to extend into the foot or toes based on the location the location where the sciatic nerve has been affected, and thus differ between one person and the next.

It is characterized by multiple symptoms Some patients complain of extreme and uncontrollable pain, others share their experiences of it as irritating and infrequent. The pains, however, are believed to get worse in the future . Therefore, we advise caution and exercise accordingly.

In the same way as the effects of the discomfort on different people and their symptoms, specific symptoms of sciatica differ in their type as well as their location and intensity, according to the condition causing the sciatica. Patients can also experience pins and needles that feel within the same area. While the permanent damage to sciatic nerves (tissue injury) is a uncommon condition however, when it does happen, it’s usually irreparable.

So, if you experience weakening in the lower part of the body and numbness or pain within the upper legs and/or loss of control over the bowel or bladder It is suggested to seek medical attention immediately before the condition gets worse becomes worse.

The symptoms of sciatica

The most frequent symptoms of Sciaticaare


There may be a constant discomfort on one side of your howevertocks or the leg (rarely will it occur in all legs).


The pain tends to get worse when standing or while coughing/sneezing.


There may be numbness, weakness, or even difficulty in getting the foot or leg.


Experience burning or tingling sensations in the lower leg.


It is also possible to feel the sharp pain which causes it to be difficult to stand or walk.

The causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is usually caused by irritation to it’s root(s) in the lower lumbar spine and the lumbosacral spinal. The most common cause for this is a herniated or prolapsed disc within the vertebrae (often known as”sipped disc). Other causes of sciatica include :


Lumbar spinal Stenosis.


The degenerative disc condition.



If you are expecting or obese, or wear high heels or rest on a soft mattress, you’re more likely to experience sciatica-related pain.

Treatment for Sciatica

If you’ve got an injured disk, it doesn’t mean that you’ll require surgery. There are several instances in which the symptoms have improved over time. In fact 90% of people suffering from sciatica don’t require surgery.

Most often, it’s the combination of preventive measures along with medicines and controlled exercises that aid in treating the discomfort.  Find our how to cure sciatica for good


Patients should avoid abrupt or extreme motions in the lower back in order to avoid further aggravation of pain. For example, kneeling, squatting, stretching to the waist or hips, and lifting large weights (or even lifting light weights improperly) must be avoided.

Physical therapy and exercise

Doctors typically prescribe a precise, controlled, and gradual exercise regimen. This is because, regardless of how absurd it might sound, exercise works quite well for people suffering from sciatica as opposed against bed rest. You may also be able to rest for a week or two after your pain is getting worse and then after some time inactivity, the pain will go away and it’s in the opposite direction. These exercises serve two functions:


They ease discomfort of sciatica in the short long


They aid in conditioning and can help prevent future recurrences the discomfort.

Without a routine of exercise the back muscles and spinal structures get weaker and are less in a position to support the back. This may cause back injuries and strain that can cause more discomfort. The body’s movements aid in the transfer of fluids and nutrients within the discs , and help maintain their health and prevent any stress to the nerve that runs through sciatica.

Many patients have experienced relief using an endoscopic or endoportal decompression that is a 30-minute procedure which requires less than 24 hrs hospitalization.

The procedure involves a smaller than one centimetre long cut where the surgeon took out the portion that puts tension on nerves in cases of a slipped disc and spinal stenosis.

Surgery could be the last option for people suffering from sciatica pain, however, your doctor will make sure that he’s tried and tried every option before deciding to go for surgery. In light of the irreparable nature of the damage to nerves caused by inexperienced handling of the issue or self-medication. It is recommended that you consult an orthopedic surgeon, a neurosurgeon or a spine surgeon when you are in the earliest stage of pain.

(Dr Ayush Sharma is Founder Director and Co-Founder of Laser Spine Clinic)
