Mike Tyson suffers with Sciatica | Entertainment kpcnews.com Mike Tyson suffers from Sciatica KPCnews.com

Mike Tyson suffers with Sciatica | Entertainment kpcnews.com Mike Tyson suffers from Sciatica KPCnews.com

Mike Tyson has been suffering from Sciatica.

The legendary boxer of 56 has spoken out about his health concerns after being photographed in a wheelchair balancing the walking stick in the last month and also confessed that the times he struggled to talk when his rare illness “flares in the air”.

He was interviewed by Newsmax TV: “I have sciatica occasionally and it gets worse. If it’s flared up I am unable to even speak! I am thankful that it’s the only health issue I’m suffering from.

“I’m amazing right today. Everyone in my home is extremely blessed and we’re all extremely grateful for what we’ve been given.”

Sciatica can affect nerve endpoints throughout the body. It appears that this former champion has been dealing with problems due to the back.

It happens when the sciatic nerve which runs between your lower back and into your feet. becomes irritated or compressed however, although it generally improves within between four and six weeks, the problem may last for longer.

Tyson has been forced to quit from boxing in 2005 due back problems.

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He also recently mentioned that he could not have much time to live.

On his own podcast, ‘Hotboxin the host stated: “We’re all gonna die at some point in time, but we’ll be dead. And when I check my reflection I notice those tiny spots on my face..

“I say, ‘Wow. This means that the expiration of my contract is getting close very soon.’ ”

Tyson has also stated that his fitness is maintained through taking magic mushrooms every day, and also smoking cannabis.

He has previously stated: “Cannabis is good to train with me. It’s just that I wish I was smoke back during my fights. truly lost my place as an athlete’s view.

“But If I had smoked cigarettes during the time I was boxing, then I probably would not have been as determined.

“I also enjoy smoking a pipe before fighting. I consume psychedelics daily as well as mushrooms.”