Acupressure points for sciatica


Acupressure Points for Sciatic Pain – 5 Most Important Acupuncture Points For Treatment Acupressure Points for Sciatica.  Sciatica is a common cause of pain in both your legs and your lower back.

Best Sciatic Acupressure points for pain relief

The sciatic nerve is strained or inflamed and causes discomfort from the lower back to the bottom of the foot. It can irritate the sciatic nerve anywhere in the body, trigger leg weakness, and alter the sensation of the knees, buttocks, and low back depending on where it is located. According to current estimates, between 25 and 45 year olds have sciatica pain or sciatica symptoms.

Many diseases and disorders affect the body’s musculoskeletal system and nervous system, but some of them can be relieved with the use of acupuncture. Some things can be difficult for clinical medicine or medical specialties to cure when what is actually needed is pain management and physical therapy.

Some patients would benefit more from acupuncture points as opposed to physical therapy, however, this depends upon the patient’s situation.

Check the best stretches for sciatica pain relief here

Using the Sciatic Pain acquisition points

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. There are a number of smaller nerves that, from the spine, enter the buttocks, pass through the knee, and end in the feet. The discomfort is accompanied by tingling, numbness, and sciatica symptoms. Inflammation of the spinal nerves may result from muscle spasms, disk compression, or disc slippage. Traditional Chinese medicine says that stagnant blood is the cause of most sciatica cases. Stagnation of blood may affect soft tissues in the lower back, hips, and pelvis. It is this extra stress that triggers the spasms in the muscles and aggravates sciatica. Sciatica can be treated in many ways according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Sciatica Acupuncture: The effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving pain, numbness, and tingling has been shown in several studies. Acupuncture may give you the power to reschedule your muscles so that you can remain calm. It is possible that acupuncture can also alleviate sciatica symptoms by releasing endorphins and enkephalins from the brain and the nervous system.

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What are Acupressure Points?

The acupressure points used in traditional Chinese medicine correspond to pressure points on the body. Traditionally, practitioners identified specific points on the body where energy flow was believed to be improved.

Although scientists have not investigated these therapies, people still use them today.

Sciatica’s Acupuncture Points:

Urinary Bladder 23: The point is located on the lower back halfway between the lower ribs and the hip bone, on both sides of the spine running muscle group. By doing so, the muscles are relaxed and pain is relieved.

Urinary bladder 40: It is located in the center of the plump at the back of any knee. In this phase, all the symptoms of spinal cord pain are addressed. Furthermore, it is helpful for managing musculoskeletal muscle spasms, knee stiffness, arthritis, and leg pain.

Urinary Bladder 62:

The point is just below each ankle bone on the outer edge of each ankle. Stress and anxiety associated with the lumbar spine can be alleviated here.

Dietary Recommendations and Lifestyles for Sciatica

A diet high in potassium can help you to recover from Sciatica. There are four healthy potassium sources: bananas, oranges, potatoes, and spirulina. Moreover, dark, blistery, vegetables like potatoes and black beans, kidney beans, and soybeans are also beneficial in treating sciatica. Salty, fried, or gratifying foods should be avoided as well as milky products. Exercise can also help you live a healthier lifestyle. If they are ignored, the lumbar spine and low back muscles can weaken, leading to severe effects when sitting for long periods of time without getting up. Furthermore, this results in the weakening of the lumbar area’s muscles, which are then prone to slipping onto the disks. In order to keep a healthy back, you should stretch and move throughout the day after the pain has subsided.


Did you know that 80 percent of all people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives? There is no surprise that back pain is the most common reason for acupuncture treatment since this is such a large proportion of the population. Among the oldest forms of medicine, acupuncture involves applying pressure to the whole body to relieve pain and improve overall health. It was believed that pressure on these points would encourage chi (qi) to flow through the pathways linking the organs of the body. Modern western practitioners believe that acupuncture functions by releasing endorphins and reducing muscle tension to ease the pain. Despite the fact that the body has over 400 acupressure points, today’s experts consider that just five are the most effective ones for treating back pain.

1.Acquisition Point of the Stomach

Traditionally Chinese acupuncturists call the Stomach Point the Sea of Energy. By strengthening the stomach area, the abdominal muscles are reinforced, and lower back issues are prevented before they occur.

Location: There are two fingers between your nerve and your naval.

2.Acquisition Lower Back Point

The lower rear point is known as “the sea of life”. The pressure applied to this stage relieves lower back pain and sciatica pain simultaneously.

Location: In general, the bottom of the spine can be roughly positioned between the second and third vertebrae.

3. The Bone Acupressure Point Hipbone Points

Womb and Vitals are often the names given to the hipbone points. Both hip and low back pain, as well as sciatic and pelvic stress, are relieved by applying mild pressure to both hipbone points.

Location: The hipbone points are located between your hipbone and buttocks, two finger widths from the large bony region at the bottom of the spinal column.

4. Back of knee points Knee acquisition point

Acupuncture’s “commanding center” is what’s called Knee Back Points. By applying firm pressure to the knee back points, stiffness in the back and skin and even hip and knee pain can be minimized.

Location: Unbelievable as it may seem, the Knee Back Points lie on the very center of your knee back.

5. Hand points hard points of acquisition

The hand point on your back is directly related to stress and rigidity, making acupuncture on your hand seem unlikely for your back pain. In this case, firm pressure at the hand points reduces tension and rigidity.

Your Hand Location: A point is located between your index finger and your thumb. Press again and again for three seconds on the hard surface, until you feel the pain soften.

Back Pain Relief DIY Acupuncture

Traditionally, acupuncture involves the use of thin needles inserted at specific points on the body that are associated with the severity of the pain you suffer. Nonetheless, by pressing firmly on acupuncture points, you can relieve pain in a similar manner. For even more pain relief, you can also use a Paingone pen. Studies have shown that the portable TENS hand-held system can be used for non-invasive acupuncture treatment at the above five points. If your back is particularly weak and if you have chronic back pain, please do not press on one of the acupuncture areas mentioned. Rather, it is best to consult a doctor or specialist.

3 Acupressure Points for Low Back Pain

According to statistics, roughly eight out of ten individuals experience low back pain at one time or another during their lives. It is very common for people to search for medical care related to back pain. Generally, back pain is a fluid injury that can be quickly treated with heat and ice, as well as inflammatory medications like ibuprofen. However, it is not uncommon for back pain to recur for up to 50% of the time until the damage is repaired. In part, this is due to the fact that tendons and muscles lose flexibility as we age. Additionally, many people do not drink enough water or consume enough fats to keep their muscles and veins flexible. The amount of water they drink is not enough. People in the United States are also known to be too sedentary, which leads to weight gain and an increased burden on the lower back. There is evidence that acupuncture can reduce inflammation by encouraging the body to make natural steroids. Acupuncture increases pain-relieving endorphins as well. Therefore, acupuncture is a great option for preventing costly surgery or medication addiction. People who receive acupuncture treatment for acute low back pain may be able to prevent chronic pain. There are also some things you can do at home to alleviate low back pain. The principles of acupuncture and acupressure are the same. By applying pressure to specific acupoints with your finger or a rounded instrument before beginning acupuncture treatment, low back pain can be reduced. Acupuncture can be used to treat lower back pain in three ways.

Large Intestine 4 – On the back of the neck, it can be found bilaterally between the forefinger and thumb. You can place the point in the center of the flesh moon created when making a fist with the hand. Pain can be relieved using this all over the body.

Gallbladder 34 – These stages are found bilaterally on the lower leg’s outer side. This can be located under the fibula or in the depression before it. Tendon influence occurs at this point.

Urinary bladder 40

In the middle of the knee, this point is located in the hollow behind the knee. Back pain is relieved in this way. It reduces pain caused by sciatica and reduces muscle spasms in the low back.

Low back pain can be effectively treated with self-acupressure in the absence of therapy. It is also possible to use these points regularly between acupuncture sessions to relieve lower back pain. A person with chronically low back pain should still be evaluated to make sure there is no structural problem requiring surgery. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about acupressure!