7 best exercises and stretching techniques for Piriformis Syndrome 7 Best Stretches and Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome Health Essentials

7 best exercises and stretching techniques for Piriformis Syndrome 7 Best Stretches and Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome Health Essentials

The piriformis muscles can cause real source of pain on the back. Truly. The muscles couple the upper thigh bone with the lower spine on the opposite side of the pelvis. They are located in your buttocks deep and work in conjunction with your muscle groups in your hips to help move the thigh and offer stability.

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However, since your piriformis is located so close to the sciatic nerve this can be painful. A physical therapist Robert Catanese, PT, DPT, explains the reasons this happens and what you can do to be more comfortable.

What exactly is piriformis disorder?

The sciatic nerve is a massive nerve that runs from your lower back beneath your piriformis and up all the way to your legs. If your piriformis is too tight, it could cause an increase in the sciatic nerve and trigger piriformis syndrome. The primary symptoms are pain and numbness in your buttocks which radiate across your back side of your leg. It may be on either side.

The doctor. Catanese says piriformis syndrome is common among those who sit for prolonged periods. However, athletes who spend much time in the weight room or cyclists may also suffer from the painful condition.

Do you need to do any exercise when you have piriformis condition?

Absolutely. It’s tempting to rest or take a break however rest isn’t the solution. In many cases, rest is what has caused the issue in the beginning.

Exercises and stretching are the treatment of choice in the treatment of piriformis syndrome. “A regular program of stretching and exercising will significantly reduce signs,” says Dr. Catanese. “The aim is to relax the piriformis to ensure that it doesn’t irritate nerves like the sciatic nerve.”

Below are some of Dr. Catanese’s top tips to treat piriformis syndrome. Discuss with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine, particularly if are experiencing pain or haven’t been doing your exercise regularly.

Seven of the best piriformis stretch and exercises for the syndrome

Stretching loosens muscles that are tight by creating the length as well as flexibility. Exercises can increase the strength and flexibility that are associated with the piriformis and hip muscles. Together, they will assist in relieving the radiating pain and numbness as a result of piriformis syndrome.

1. Shoulder-to-knee piriformis stretch

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  1. You can lie in a supine position onto the back and keep your legs in a straight line.
  2. Lift your leg , and bent your knee. Then, using the opposite hand draw your knee towards your shoulder.
  3. Keep it for 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat this for the opposite side three times, every day, twice.

2. Ankle-over-knee piriformis stretch

  1. Lay onto your back with your knees bent.
  2. Your ankle should be crossed over your knee to the other side.
  3. Take your back of the thigh behind your knee to the opposite side.
  4. Pull your thigh gently toward your chest.
  5. Keep it for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat this process on each side three times every day, twice.

You may also perform this exercise while sitting in a or seated position. This is a good option for those working in an office.

  1. Relax in a chair and place your feet placed on the ground.
  2. Your ankle should be crossed over the knee on the opposite side.
  3. Let your knee sink downwards while keeping your ankle in position.
  4. You can gently push your knee downwards or lean forward until you feel the stretch in your buttocks.
  5. For 30 seconds, hold the button.
  6. Repeat this process on each side three times every day, twice.

3. Bridge

  1. Lay down flatly upon your back with your knees bent.
  2. Then contract your core and lift your hips off of the floor.
  3. Do a squeeze on your buttocks near the top of the motion.
  4. Slowly lower your hips slowly back to the floor.
  5. Repeat 10 times per set.
  6. Do three sets, twice or twice per day.

4. Side leg lifts

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  1. Relax on your back and place your ankles on top of each other. You can place you head against a cushion or on your arm.
  2. Make sure you tighten your top thigh. Then, raise your leg slowly and keep your knee locked.
  3. Begin slowly to lower the leg until it is back to the original position.
  4. Repeat 10 times for both sides per set.
  5. Do three sets at least once or twice daily.

5. Clamshell

  1. Lay on your back with your knees in a row with your knees bent into the “L” design.
  2. Keep your heels in place Lift your knees like you are opening an envelop.
  3. Then slowly lower your knee back to the original position.
  4. Repeat 10 times on both sides of each set.
  5. Do three sets, twice or twice daily.

    Note Use an exercise band to wrap around your knees to increase resistance.

6. Leg raises for facedown

  1. Place your body on your stomach flat with your legs stretched out.
  2. Intensify your thigh muscles, and lift one leg off of the floor while keeping your knee in place.
  3. Then slowly lower your foot until it is back to the original position.
  4. Repeat 10 times for both sides per set.
  5. Do three sets, twice or twice daily.

7. Standing small-range squat

  1. Straighten your legs and place your heels spread shoulder-width to each other.
  2. Engage your hips, then push your buttocks back while squatting as far as you can comfortably.
  3. Slowly gradually return to a standing position.
  4. Repeat 10 times per set.
  5. Do three sets at least once or twice per day.

Exercises and positions for you to stay clear of if suffer from piriformis syndrome

Avoid sitting for long periods of time. This puts stress to the piriformis muscle as well as sciatic nerve. You might also want to stay away from sitting exercise like cycling, which can aggravate your condition.

If you are seated at your desk at a desk, it is recommended to consult Dr. Catanese recommends standing up at least every 30 minutes to reduce tension to your piriformis. “A standing desk is an investment worth it. It provides a more ergonomic design for those who use computers throughout the day,” the expert says.

Other methods to help ease piriformis syndrome

You could add on the seven basic stretches and exercises with other methods to aid in improving piriformis syndrome symptoms, such as:

  • Training for cardiovascular exercisesAerobic exercises are essential for hip muscles and general health. The most effective cardio exercise for piriformis disorder is walking, or using an exercise. You could also jog if it does not cause discomfort.
  • Exercises for core: An energizing core can aid in the recovery of your piriformis. The doctor. Catanese includes core exercises in the treatment plans he provides to his patients suffering from piriformis syndrome. Examples include leg lifts, and planks.
  • Foam rollerSome users use a foam ball or roller to treat piriformis syndrome. A ball or foam roller will help you locate trigger points within the piriformis muscle and help release it. “Finding that trigger spot may be a challenge if you’ve not experienced it before,” says Dr. Catanese. “Ask your doctor or physical therapist for instruction in hands-on.”
  • Yoga as well as Pilates:You’ll find many stretching exercises and stretches during yoga as well as Pilates classes that help relieve piriformis syndrome. They can also aid in reaching other muscles that are tight.

What happens if my symptoms don’t improve?

If you’re not feeling much better after about a month continuous stretching and exercise make sure you talk to your doctor.

“Piriformis syndrome is a tricky condition,” says Dr. Catanese. “It may be a sign of other ailments like lower back issues, hamstring injuries as well as an atrophic gluteal strain.” A thorough examination by medical professionals can assist you in determining the root of your problem and provide you with the care you require.