Sciatica is a painful condition caused by injury, irritation muscle strain, overuse or compressing the vertebrae of lower, or sciatic nerve.
The pain begins in at the bottom of your back and then moves to the muscles in the buttocks and thighs all throughout the legs. Sometimes, it is just minor and causes discomfort. However, over time, it may result in severe pain and other serious signs.
The positive aspect is that yoga can help reduce the lower back discomfort and sciatica. Yoga poses, when combined with slow breathing can offer an immense relief for lower back pain , and help to protect against serious problems that may be a possibility in the near future.
It’s certainly not a substitute for medicines or other treatments, however doing a few yoga moves is beneficial for those who suffer from low back discomfort.
Yoga Poses to Treat Sciatica
Here’s an overview of six yoga poses that could help you get rid of sciatica:
1.) Kid’s Pose (Balasana)
Balasana Balasana is a great yoga posture that allows you to relax your body. It also stretches and lengthens the spine. It improves flexibility and strengthens the muscles of your lower back as well as your hips, thighs and lower back.
What can you do?
- Place your feet on the tabletop. Place your hips back to your heels and then place your knees in a row.
- Straighten your arms to the front, then gradually bend your arms forward, falling into your thighs.
- When you’re done be sure to relax your torso and concentrate on breathing in a natural way.
- Keep this position for a couple of seconds and then relax.
2) Knees-to-chest Pose (Apanasana)
This exercise can help strengthen your lower back and helps reduce sciatica pain. It also helps stretch the piriformis muscles that are located in your buttocks.
What can you do?
- Place a mat flat on your back while keeping the legs in a straight line.
- Knees should be bent, and then bring your thighs closer to your chest.
- While doing this take your arms and wrap them between your knees, and stretch as long as you can.
- Maintain this pose for minimum 20 seconds and be sure to continue breathing slowly and naturally. Repeat.
3) Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
The Cobra posture is calming pose that can help stretch your entire spine while also encouraging overall flexibility and blood flow throughout your body.
How do I do it?
- Lay on your stomach and lie down and make sure your legs are behind you.
- Place your palms in front of you on the ground, and pull your elbows towards your sides.
- Inhale and then push with your arms while lifting your chest above the floor.
- Make sure that your back is arched. However, your lower back should be placed to the floor.
- Maintain the position for a few seconds and then breathe in a deep breath.
- Then lower your back. Repeat.
4.) Pose of the Reclined Pigeon (Supta Kapotasana)
This pose helps support your whole lower back and assists in reducing sciatica as well as lower back discomfort by relieving tension from your hips as well as your spine.
How do I do it?
- Place your feet on a mat and bend your knees. Your heels should point towards your hips.
- With your left knee bent, elevate your left leg and then place it at the lower part on your left thigh.
- In this position, you will you will feel a stretch deep through the lower back.
- Take a few seconds to hold for a few seconds, then repeat with the other side.
5) Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
The pose of the locust can help strengthen your thighs spine as well as glutes. It helps stabilize and strengthens the low back and core while decreasing the effects associated with sciatica pain.
What can you do?
- Lay on your stomach, and then keep your fingers crossed behind your back.
- Your arms, chest and your head as high as you are able to comfortably.
- At the same time you raise your arms and stretch them away from your body.
- To increase the stretch to increase the stretch, raise both your legs and arms at simultaneously.
- Take a few minutes in deep breathing, then let your body relax.
6) Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
This yoga practice extends across the whole spine and eases lower back pain and tension. It also works your legs, core and glutes.
What can you do?
- While your knees are bent, and your heels toward your hips, lay in your back on the yoga mat.
- Keep your arms to the sides of your body. keep your palms pointing towards the floor.
- As you lift your hips up and slowly lift your spine to the highest point you can.
- Maintain the position at the top and ease into it.
- You can use a yoga mat between your knees or between your thighs to ensure proper alignment.
The yoga postures mentioned above could help ease sciatica and reduce lower back pain. Be aware of the fact that you must perform them slowly and comfortably. Don’t overstretch your muscles.
See a physical therapist if you’re sciatica discomfort lasts more than a month or a half or is associated with other symptoms or discomforts that are unusual. Avoid doing yoga movements that cause stomach compression when you experience lower back discomfort during pregnancy. Additionally, don’t attempt the backbend or twist pose as you should always make use of cushions or bolsters as well as other yoga props to alter the poses, as needed.

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