15 of the best sciatica exercises to help instant pain relief Women’s Health UK


Sciatica exercises are a blessing to relieving the nagging (… unintentionally announcing century) nerve pain. Yes, ideally we’d implement preventative measures to prevent sciatica from developing but there are ways to assist if it occurs, whether it’s the NHS Sciatica exercises and knowing which exercise are best to avoid when you’re suffering from sciatica, or which are the most effective exercises for sciatica that you can do at night. If you’ve developed sciatica while pregnant or because of an unintentional WFH setup These exercises are all applicable.

We spoke to Catherine Quinn, president of the British Chiropractic Association, for all the information you should know about chiropractic.

How do you define sciatica?

“Sciatica” is the term used to describe the condition in which the sciatic nerve that is located between your lower back and your feet, gets compressed or inflamed and strained,’ Quinn explains. This could be caused by discs that are slipping and could cause pain and discomfort.’

In essence the discs are located between the vertebrae in which look a lot like washers. If one begins to press against the sciatic nerve when it is moved from the place it is supposed to remain in which could be caused by twisting or turning to lift something and cause an array of painful symptoms.

Sciatica symptoms

Quinn offers the following information that may be symptoms of sciatica

  • Extreme to moderate discomfort in lower back that may extend into feet and legs
  • Needles and pins
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • The inability to stretch the foot
  • Reduction of the knee-jerk reflex

What is the cause of sciatica?

Sciatica isn’t an issue of choice It’s a condition that anyone can experience it, however there are some factors that increase the likelihood of it happening.

“It has been suggested that women who are pregnant could be more prone to developing sciatica because of the changes in pressure on the pelvis and the spine according to Quinn.

In reality, 50-80 percent of women experience back pain and sciatica-like symptoms during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester and all the usual suspects could be at fault such as the weight gain and liquid retention, the expanding uterus, the shifting of the center or gravity, or even the head of the baby — and, more often the disc is slipping.

“Individuals who have a very excessive BMI (Body Mass Index) are more likely to be affected by the condition, particularly between the ages 35 to 50 according to Quinn.

Weight can affect the body as it raises tension in the pelvis and lower back particularly if it’s carried through the stomach. It is a factor.

The poor posture we’re used to while walking and working at a desk, especially when we’re using laptops and WFH can strain the vertebrae of your lower back and lower. You’ve guessed it the risk is higher of suffering from sciatica.

It’s about making sure that we are supporting the spine and, if it’s up to it, adding sciatica exercises.

What are the most effective exercises to help sciatica?

There are many ways to prevent illness that are worth taking into account for example, living an active lifestyle, taking regularly scheduled breaks from sitting and sleeping on a mattress that is firm as well as maintaining a healthy posturefor example, at workplace, and a regular exercising,’ says Quinn.

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However, if the preventative measures do not work then there are a variety of exercises you can try to relieve symptoms, like using foam rollers to massage the glutes and a range of yoga poses that aim to open the hip flexor, as well as stretching the hamstrings on the outside as well as the lower back and glute. There isn’t a single solution that works for everyone and you have to figure out the right option for you body.’

In addition to getting back to work, activities and light rhythmic movement such as cycling, swimming and easy walking, as soon as you can, there are specific exercises for sciatica that you can perform in bed or lying on your floor. Be mindful of the pain, move slow and stop if notice pain or discomfort.

The most recommended sciatica exercises by NHS

The NHS suggests sciatica exercises that are specific to the issue (which you’ll have to be checked by your GP prior to that). Once you’ve got it nailed down, here’s the next step you’ll need to take care of.

When your sciatica has been caused by the piriformis muscle, which is a tiny one in your butt. These are the exercises for sciatica to attempt to stretch and stretch:

The content is sourced from YouTube. You might be able to locate similar content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Then, cross your legs and pull your legs towards your chest.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Three times. Repeat the process three more times.

Exercise 2

  • Keep your knees in front of your chest and then shift your knees across to the shoulder on the opposite side of the side that is in pain.
  • Move your knees side to side to loosen and open the piriformis while energizing those abdominal muscles.

When your sciatica may be caused by a herniated slipped diskthat may cause pain in the local area or throughout the body, these are the sciatica exercises you should ensure that the area has the space it needs:

This content comes from YouTube. It’s possible to locate the same content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Relax on your stomach, and put two pillows beneath your lower back to loosen the back and ease the pressure off.
  • Maintain this place for a few minutes.

Exercise 2

  • Lay on your back, with your back facing upwards and a cushion on your knees.
  • Lay back on your back and place an armchair or a cushion under your knees to relax your lower back.
  • While lying down, slowly tilt your pelvis.
  • The lumbar arch is in the lower back, as you press it downwards to the floor or the bed Hold for five seconds.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 3

  • Make sure you squeeze your buttocks as tight as possible for 5 minutes.
  • Do it 10 times.

If the sciatica you are experiencing is caused by spinal stenosis, here are the sciatica exercises you can do to open up the space between joints as well as to strengthen and stabilize the area around it so that you are able to relieve pressure from the nerve

This content comes from YouTube. It is possible to access the same content in a different format, or be able to locate additional information on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Laying on the floor or on your bed, lift your knees towards your chest.
  • Ten times, draw them closer.

Exercise 2

  • Bring both knees towards the chest, then push them towards the side before bringing them return them in circles.
  • Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 3

  • If you are lying on a bed or in a seat raise your knees until they are close to your chest.
  • Make sure you bounce them with care upwards and downwards.

Exercise 4

  • While lying down in a bed or on the ground on a mattress, gently stretch your lumbar arches (the curve of the lower part of your back) downwards.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 5

  • Then, pull your stomach muscles into the middle, then roll your knees sides to sides.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 6

  • Pull your buttocks to squeeze them and pull the pelvic floor into.
  • For five seconds, hold the button.
  • Repetition three times.

When your sciatica has been caused by disc degenerative diseases These are the exercises for your sciatica that will improve, strengthen and stabilise the surrounding region:

This content comes from YouTube. It’s possible to access similar content in a different format, or find more informationon their website.

Exercise 1

  • Lay on your back with your ankles under the knees.
  • The buttocks should be squeezed and lifted. the pelvis, bringing it upwards into the bridge.

Exercise 2

  • Relax on the floor or in bed while keeping your knees straight to remove slack from your lower back. Then, you can engage your abdominal muscles.
  • As you lie on your back, gently tilt your pelvis.
  • The lumbar arch is in the lower back, press it downwards to the floor or bed Hold for five seconds.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 3

  • While lying with your back on the floor, you can activate the core and then move your knees sideways to sideways.

Exercise 4

  • Standing, lying, or sitting and squeezing your pelvic floor.
  • Keep it for five seconds.
  • Repetition five times.

Sciatica exercises to do in bed

Sciatica exercises you can perform in bed are beneficial since they can be completed in the morning or at night.

There are a variety of exercises that can be performed at night, like pulling knees towards the chest, posterior pelvic tilts and knees to the opposite shoulder stretch’, advises Quinn. A majority of NHS Sciatica-related exercises can be performed in bed. The instructions below will help identify when this is an alternative.

Exercises to avoid while you are suffering from sciatica

Although movement may help relieve nerve discomfort, there are certain sciatica exercises that you should stay clear of.

“Avoid activities that create more pain for the sciatic nerve. Quinn.

They could include:

  • Weighted squats
  • Cycling
  • High-impact sports
  • Burpees
  • Hurdler stretches

Be sure to follow your individual pace. If you experience any pain or discomfort or you feel that the sciatica exercises that you’re performing make the condition worse (either in or after exercise) take a break and seek out your GP for advice. Quinn’s advice is certainly sound however, no advice from a doctor should be taken as gospel. You can thank your ever-changing and unpredictable body for this.

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