ZAMAT NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow review – The Gadgeteer

ZAMAT NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow review - The Gadgeteer
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REVIEW For a while recently, I’ve been having issues in my neck. I often get up in the morning with a throbbing pain in my shoulder blades and neck. It can be a result of the kind of pillow I am using and the posture that I rest in during the night. To try to alleviate the pain, I’ve chosen to try out the NekGenic cervical neck pillow.

What exactly is it?

The NekGenic cervical Traction Neck pillow is small, oddly-shaped pillows designed to ease neck discomfort along with lower back stiffness. Simply by laying down on the pillow for 10 minutes each throughout the day, it’s designed to improve the natural curvature of my neck. The goal of ZAMAT is “to make sure that everyone is able the quality sleep that they need and deserve.”

What’s inside the box?

  • NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow
  • Nylon bag
  • Manual
  • Thank you for your warranty and thank you cards

Specifications for hardware

  • The size is 7.5 inches x 5.5 4.
  • Colors: Blue, grey or pink

Design and features

Its ZAMAT NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow is quite small, just enough to be able to slip in my neck. It’s curvy and shaped in a similar way to letters like “C” and also has an open hole that runs horizontally across it. Its design is similar as other neck-traction pillows, in that it gives support for the neck while allowing the neck to rest.

Installation and set-up

The pillow of ZAMAT arrived in a flimsy box, which was completely destroyed in the transport. I believe they should make better packaging, but at least it’s an item and wasn’t damaged. There is no setup or installation needed. I took it out of the packaging, read the extremely brief manual and was now eager to try it.


The manual gives seven easy steps for using the NekGenic Cervical Neck Pillow that is Traction. The principle is to lie down, place the pillow on my neck, then bend my knees, take my feet up and then place my hands to the opposite sides of my body. If I keep this posture for between 8 and 10 minutes each day, the book claims that it will straighten the cervical spine and ease neck pain.

In reality, ZAMAT makes a lot of extremely extravagant claims on its site that include:

  • It will bring back my natural curve neck.
  • It offers immediate pain relief.
  • It will make me rest more comfortably.
  • It allows you to open compressed discs.
  • It eliminates headaches.
  • It improves blood flow to deep tissues.
  • It gives instant relief from TMJ issues.
  • It helps improve my posture.

It’s a remarkable array of features for this tiny pillow. I can understand if you believe it’s too appealing to be real. This is. In the manual, ZAMAT’s gives this disclaimer: “The Traction Device is not a medical device and is not intended to treat medical ailments. It is not intended to treat any medical conditions or diseases.” This is an interesting point. I interpret this to mean that there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that the NekGenic pillow is able to do the things ZAMAT claims. No studies on medical conditions, no clinical studies and nothing. What do I have to do with that? There is only one thing to try: Give it a test!

These pillows have been created to help stretch the neck and help restore its normal curvature. Things like working at a computer when not sitting straight, and sleeping in an awkward position can trigger stiffness and pain. An neck-traction cushion was designed to relieve pain.

Since the beginning of the month, I’ve been using the NekGenic from ZAMAT Cervical The Traction Neck Pillow almost every day. I noticed that lying in the ground was much more relaxing than sitting upon my couch, likely because the floor was more firm and it did better at keeping my neck back in the correct posture. It also turned out that it was difficult to sit for 10 minutes without doing anything however that speaks volumes to me. Not about the pillows.

Did it succeed? I’m not sure, however I believe it could have assisted in some ways. Even though it’s called”a “pillow,” it’s not so soft as a normal pillow. ZAMAT does not reveal what the NekGenic is made from however it’s a robust material, which is likely to help ensure my neck stays in a proper posture. My shoulders and neck tend to get stiff when I lie on my mattress, but this feeling disappears when I rise and start moving around. I am still waking up in the mornings with a bit of shoulder and neck pain most mornings, however, I believe that it’s less so than before.

Some neck traction pillows have been designed to be used to sleep on throughout the through the night. The NekGenic is intended to use for 10 minutes every day.

The website of ZAMAT also states they offer NekGenic neck pillow is a magnet treatment: “The massage nodes and magnetic particles ease the muscle layers on the outside and improve blood flow to the deeper tissue.” The internet has a few reports on the Net which suggest that magnets may be therapeutic and there are certain products that place magnets on the neck. Do the ZAMAT NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow contain magnets? I put various pieces of steel and magnets on the pillows, however they were not affected magnetically. Or, it doesn’t have magnets or are tiny.

The NekGenic cervical neck pillow has the option of removing the cover, making it easy to clean. This is a great feature.

It is also supplied with a small bag to store the items in.

What I like about

  • Small size
  • Simple to utilize
  • Support for necks with a firm, solid structure

What would I change

  • I’d like to see medical proof that the pillow is actually capable of doing everything ZAMAT claims. Any evidence whatsoever would be appreciated.

Final thoughts

It’s the ZAMAT NekGenic Cervical Traction Neck Pillow is a small device created to improve your posture neck, and relieve shoulder and neck discomfort (and numerous other issues also). When I used it over about a month, it could provide some relief to my shoulder and neck but I’m not sure what the amount. Do you think it’s worth trying this pillow? I believe you should consult your physician first. If they believe that a neck traction pillow would be an ideal option in your case I would suggest buying the cushion from ZAMAT.

Price: $49.99

Where to purchase online: ZAMAT’s online store

Source The sample used in this review was supplied by ZAMAT.