New Delhi Cervical Spondylosis refers to age-related wear on the spinal cord of your neck. As the cord shrinks and dehydrates, osteoarthritis signs appear, including bony projections on the edges of the bones.
The young adult years are a period of life when musculoskeletal pain in the neck can develop and have an impact on future health.
According to Searches on 4527 articles, major factors have been investigated in more than 1 study. Cervical Spondylosis was affected by factors such as (watching TV, reading, or sitting in the wrong posture, computer use, perceived stress, twisting of muscles and tendons due to physical activity, sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress, etc.). All studies had a moderate to high risk of bias, and the quality of the evidence was low.
The main risk factor is ageing. Most people will show cervical spondylosis in x-rays by the age of 60. Other factors can increase the risk of developing spondylosis.
- Obesity and lack of exercise
- A job that requires heavy lifting, bending and twisting
- Neck and spine injury
- Ruptured or slipped disc
Symptoms usually develop slowly. They can start suddenly or worsen. The pain can be mild or deep, and you may not be able to move.
You may feel pain in the shoulder blade. It can spread to the upper forearm, upper arm or fingers (in rare instances).
The pain could get worse
- After standing or sitting
- The night
- When you sneeze or cough, or when you laugh
- When you bend your neck backward, twist your neck, or walk for more than a couple of yards or meters.
How can you get relief from Cervical Spondylosis?
It is important to rule out any injuries or infections. Ask for medical advice before attempting any self-treatment.
Apply heat, ice or both:
Ice can reduce inflammation and swelling in an area by lowering the blood flow. Heat stimulates blood flow, which is the opposite of what ice does. Both heat and ice can be used to soothe a strained muscle and allow it to heal. They can provide pain relief to an overworked area of your body such as the neck.
Limit physical activities that cause neck pain:
If you feel neck stiffness or pain after a physical exercise, you should stop the activity until it subsides. These physical activities can be done as part of a job or for recreational purposes.
Regular Exercise:
Lack of regular exercise is one of the main causes of cervical spondylosis. You can reduce the pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders if you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.
Garlic is effective in treating cervical spondylosis. Its anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic effects help to treat pain, swelling and irritation in the neck.
Turmeric is also popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric also increases blood circulation which reduces muscle stiffness and pain. Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder with milk and honey. Drink it 2 times daily.
Also Read: Heatstroke during pregnancy: Signs, symptoms and prevention tips

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