Yoga-related neck pain are some suggestions and exercises to help ease pain Hindustan Times

Yoga-related neck pain are some suggestions and exercises to help ease pain Hindustan Times
Published on February 16, 2023, at 08:55 PM IST

Here’s everything you should be aware of neck pain caused by yoga, including the most frequent causes and methods to avoid it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran practitioner or just starting out with yoga, these suggestions can help you control neck discomfort.

Inattention and misalignment when practicing or in routine activities can result in neck pain that is quite common. (pexels)

The author is , Delhi

Yoga-related neck pain can be a regular occurrence particularly if you’re new to yoga or haven’t been practicing certain postures. Inattention and misalignment when practicing or in everyday routine activities can result in neck pain that occurs frequently. These are the everyday motions that require repeated forward motions and poor posture or the tendency to keep your head in a fixed position. The chance of experiencing discomfort in this part within your body can be not uncommon and it’s easy for the pain to radiate onto shoulder and back. Neckaches, and even injuries may be the result of neck discomfort. (Also check out:Yoga expert offers tips for beginners on how to avoid Yoga accidents )

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar yoga master, spiritual guru, and Lifestyle Coach, shared in HT Lifestyle some tips and exercises that will help relieve neck pain that you may experience if you suffer from it while practicing yoga.

1. Yogic warm-up

Start your yoga practice by doing Sukshma Vyayam as well as other gentle exercises. When you practice yoga, you must start by gently moving your arms, hips and wrists, as well as your head and neck. You should also be moving your ankles slowly to increase the joint temperature. Move quickly around the area to stretch and ease your muscles.

Doing this, you’ll prepare your body to practice and reduce the risk of getting injured. Be sure that your body is properly prepared before you attempt any postures that require you to stretch your back for example, like Camel Pose or Snake Pose.

2. You can take a core exam

After lifting your feet, fold your legs inside your chest for five seconds prior to lifting them up. This will ensure that you’ve got the proper base strength.

3. Find a comfortable spot to lay your head

The hand’s base at near the nose’s top. Then raise your middle finger toward at the very top. This will help you determine the best place to put your head.

4. Practice inversions with confidence

  • Turn your elbows and forearms towards the floor as you perform the headstand.
  • Check to make sure that you aren’t experiencing any sensation or pressure in your head.
  • If you are in the stance, you must keep your head straight throughout the entire time. Additionally, you should use the help of a spotter when you are able to.

5. Stretch regularly

It is recommended to practice yoga regularly and do regular stretching every morning to counter this. This can ease problems such as stiffness or discomfort in the neck and shoulders. Include these yoga exercises to practice at least 3 times a week.

6. Yoga Asanas

To help prevent neck pain there are some postures that require particular care. There are numerous ways to ensure you’re doing yoga in a manner that is suitable to your body type, capability, and the goals you want to achieve.

  • Bird Dog, a variant of Marjariasana

The transverse abdominals as well as the back are both able to benefit by strengthening more through this posture. On all fours, and using two mats to provide the knee’s protection as well as cushioning stretch one arm and the leg opposite. After taking breaths, alternate sides. Repeat 5 times for the opposite side of the rep. This will help support your back and abdominal muscles, improves spinal health, and helps improve concentration and mental clarity.

  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Simply crouch onto the mat for yoga or the floor or on a smooth surface. Your hands should be resting on your the hips. Then, slowly begin to the arch of your back. Once your arms have straightened, put your hands over your ankles. Avoid putting any strain on your neck by letting it in an upright position. After exhaling then slowly return to your beginning position.

  • Sarpasana (Snake Pose)

Relax on your stomach, with your hands between your back. Breathe deeply and keep it for several seconds (this is called Kumbakh). Lift your shoulders, head your chest and head as far as possible. Maintain your feet solidly in the earth. Keep the posture for 10 breaths.

7. Limit your digital usage

We are able to use technology such as smartphones, computers and tablets for most of our waking hours due to our modern lifestyles. According to research that was recently conducted it is believed that people make use of smartphones approximately four hours a day. This could amount to an astounding 1,400 hours in a year which is totally unnecessary. The long hours of sitting and other unhealthy habits can result in poor standing posture, as well as stiffness and pain in shoulders and neck.

The quantity of stress that’s been held up could be a significant reason for stiffness in the shoulder, neck and back. The stored nerve energy located in the shoulder and neck area when you’re stressed can cause a large amount of pain. It is possible to relax your muscles by making use of gentle yoga postures or breathing techniques as well as meditation. You should take a few minutes every day and observe how stress levels decrease.

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health yoga asana yoga posture neck pain yoga yoga tip yoga tip in mind + 5 more