Why Women Should Consider Supplemental Insurance | APN News


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Why women should consider supplementary insurance

Published on January 25, 2022

Women should make their health a priority for good self-care. This is required for both non-employed and employed people. the best health insurance in india are inexpensive, offer peace of mind, and can help you stay financially stable during medical emergencies. Every woman, regardless of her socio-economic situation, must be protected for all phases of life. You can take out additional insurance from ManipalCigna Medical Insurance. It can include maternity benefits, medical expenses and legal abortion. All you have to do is pay an additional premium.

Why should women opt for supplementary insurance?

There are several reasons why women need an add-on. Just look:

  • Women are more likely to have chronic health problems than men. The most common are arthritis, neck pain, back pain, headaches and mental disorders. These significantly affect the quality of life.
  • Women tend to be more stressed than men. One study found that when both men and women suffer from extreme anxiety, a part of the brain becomes highly active in women that is almost absent in men. Uncontrolled stress can contribute to diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
  • Pollution, civilization diseases and adulteration also affect women in the same way.
  • Females also tend to have longer lifespans than males. Reason enough to opt for supplementary insurance early on. In this way you remain protected from all possible diseases from the start.

Certain health problems also affect women differently. For example, alcohol abuse, osteoarthritis, mental health, stress, stroke and urinary tract infections affect women differently and more severely than men. Taking birth control pills, hormone therapy, thick waist and pregnancy are also risky. This could be time for a medical check-up. Supplementary insurance could be helpful here as additional protection.

Benefits of supplementary insurance

Supplemental insurance can increase the value of health insurance in India. This is particularly important for women who want simple coverage through a basic policy. Coverage can be added as a backup once the existing policy is no longer sufficient for full treatment or is halfway exhausted.

Here’s a look at the benefits:

  1. An addition for Critical Illness Coverage offers the policyholder a lump sum. You don’t have to worry about the total cost. It is offered regardless of the cost of treatment, hospitalization and medication.
  2. A Maternity Supplement can cover all childbirth costs and prenatal and postnatal care. This is where an add-on can help ground coverage.
  3. A personal accident add-on can provide insurance coverage against all types of accidents that could lead to life-threatening critical situations or otherwise.
  4. The Family Floater Health Insurance Plan covers the entire family and not an individual. This can be chosen for all women at once. One coverage for everyone makes it easy to manage the policy instead of dealing with multiple health plans.

Women are very prone to critical illnesses. For example, the most common are breast cancer, fallopian tube cancer, cervical cancer, multiple trauma, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer and uterine cancer. Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and coronary artery bypass grafts are also common in women. So now you see the need for women’s supplemental insurance from a trusted insurance partner like ManipalCigna.

How Can ManipalCigna Health Insurance Coverage Help?

It offers a range of health plans dedicated to the well-being of you and your family. You have access to easy and convenient healthcare. This is an ideal way to protect your financial, emotional, and physical health. Individual health insurance includes cashless hospital stays and numerous additional functions. However, the entire sum insured only covers one person. The additions and benefits can be customized to suit your needs.

One may consider coverage for life-threatening critical illnesses such as heart attack, kidney failure and cancer. These are long-term conditions and a flat rate for women may not be sufficient. Depending on the policyholder’s requirements, an add-on to fulfill the treatment may make sense. Note, however, that you must purchase the plan separately. This is because high-risk diseases are not covered by basic hospitalization insurance.