The Pro Active Chiropractic Center serves Columbia, MO and the surrounding area as a trusted natural health and treatment facility for chronic pain, thyroid disease, and other conditions resulting from acupuncture and chiropractic care. It specializes in the treatment of neck and back pain.
According to announcements from Pro Active Chiropractic Center and Dr. Scott Stiffey treats this natural health center Whiplash Victims who want to heal naturally without overt drug dependence.
Injuries in car accidents can be debilitating and, if ignored, result in lengthy, expensive treatment. Timely intervention can prevent whiplash from escalating. Spinal manipulation, cryotherapy, and PNF have been shown to result in statistically significant improvements in patients.
Pro Active Chiropractic Care treats car accident victims with symptoms such as headache, neck pain, back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, pain and numbness in the extremities, etc. Most Columbia, MO car accidents are rear-end collisions. Doctors often underestimate the extent of the injury. Symptoms can manifest themselves weeks after the accident. This Columbia chiropractic clinic educates patients about the treatment options available to them. Examining the spine after a car accident allows the victim to undergo proper treatment from a qualified chiropractor without delay. This prevents long-term problems from occurring.
8 in 10 Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Car accidents, sports injuries, lifestyle, obesity, and surgery are some of the reasons for back pain. Irritated tendons, ligaments, intervertebral discs, muscles and bones cause back pain.
The experienced chiropractor at the Pro Active Chiropractic Center treats the underlying disease and not just back pain. This is a conservative, effective, and non-invasive method of treatment that provides relief while reducing reliance on pain reliever medication. The doctors at this clinic have the appropriate qualifications and experience and have a deep understanding of MRI. They work with doctors and lawyers to give patients the best possible results.
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Scott Stiffey, DC of the Pro Active Chiropractic Center said, “Pro Active Chiropractic prides itself on providing the most advanced natural health care in our area. Dr. Stiffey attends seminars across the country to keep up with the latest research and methods to help patients heal naturally. The Pro Active Chiropractic Center uses natural techniques for relieving neck and back pain by avoiding surgery or addictive pain relievers. Our office takes care of the entire accident and workplace-related injury rehabilitation as well as performance and optimization techniques so that you feel optimal. We determine causality, bodily harm and loss of function and base our treatment on them.
“Just because your car isn’t damaged doesn’t mean it’s not you. Bumpers take a lot of the force of a slow impact, but not all. The force has to travel somewhere and it goes through you. When in doubt, always contact a Columbia chiropractor first.
“Seat belts prevent you from being thrown against the steering wheel and thrown out of the car. However, you will be thrown against the belt. Shoulder injuries and whiplash are common symptoms and should be treated by a qualified chiropractor.
“It can take up to 10 days for pain to appear after the smallest car accident. Injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons, in particular, can take weeks to manifest. In a car accident, you are often thrown forward unexpectedly, making your head and neck particularly vulnerable. After a car accident it is always advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible. “
About the company:
Pro Active Chiropractic Center uses cutting edge technology to treat back pain, neck pain and other ailments by promoting natural healing. The clinic also uses acupuncture because of its excellent results in facilitating healing. The clinic has helped patients achieve their weight loss goals and treat thyroid disorders.
Media contact
Company Name: Pro Active Chiropractic Center
Interlocutor: Scott Stiffey, DC
E-mail: Send e-mail
Phone: (573) 607-2727
Address:1 E Broadway, Suite C1
City: Columbia
Status: MO 65203
Country: United States

We understand how important it is to choose a chiropractor that is right for you. It is our belief that educating our patients is a very important part of the success we see in our offices.