Susan Black and Terri Reiff believe stretching is the missing link in healthcare.
“Health care is about everything on the body except stretching,” said Black. “Everyone knows you have to stretch – but nobody does; or they don’t do it enough; or they do it wrong. It is really something that everyone needs. “
Especially after a month of a pandemic that left many Americans moving much less, she said.
“Sitting is the new smoking,” she says. “It leads to diabetes and can affect the circulatory system – your lungs and heart.”
If stagnation and stiffness are the disease, the Schwarzen and Rieff have the cure. The sisters and business associates opened the Greenville Stretch Zone on E. Fire Tower Road in May 1909 in the Covengton Shops between Charles and Arlington.
Together, the sisters own franchises in Atlanta, Hilton Head, and Nashville, so they know a thing or two about stretching.
People get stiff when they don’t exercise and then develop pain when they move again, Black said.
“Whether it’s neck pain when you sit at your desk all day or you’re on your cell phone all the time, we see the new humpback neck. We can fix these problems. If you don’t fix them, it can lead to lifelong problems, ”she said.
Black and Reiff said the timing was perfect to move the Greenville Stretch Zone to a new location.
“Greenville is growing fast and we feel like we got in at just the right time,” said Reiff.
She was introduced to the Stretch Zone almost four years ago when she was facing back surgery. Therapists worked with her at special tables until she was limber and fit.
“Somebody recommended it to me. Four or five stretches after that – I haven’t had any back surgery or back problems since, ”said Reiff.
Stretch Zone founder Jorden Gold developed the patented program after stretching his grandfather, who couldn’t get out of bed, Reiff said. After several sessions, he finally danced at the wedding of his great-great-grandson.
Gold realized that “every grandpa in the world needs to be stretched,” Reiff said.
Gold developed and patented the Stretch Zone program over two decades before opening its first store in 2015. Today there are more than 110 locations in 22 states.
Sold by the company and its philosophy, Reiff began selling the 11 gyms she owned and bought her first franchise.
“The greatest thing is the product,” she says. “There is nothing like it. Someone once asked me, ‘Are you afraid that another stretch course is coming to Greenville?’ I said to her: ‘No, because ours is very different.’
“We have a patented belt and table system that allows us to secure the customer so we can isolate and immobilize the area we are working on,” said Black. “What sets us apart are the straps and their position on the table. We can anchor the hips completely. We can reach a completely different clientele who would benefit from stretching – now more than ever. “
Customers range from young and sporty to older and frail.
“People get up from the table and immediately feel better,” said Black. “That’s why we’re giving away our first section for free – because we want you to try it out and see how good we are at what we do.”
“We do all the work,” added Reiff.
Stretch Zone employees, so-called stretch practitioners, receive one to two weeks of intensive training and have to pass a rigorous test.
“Our expertise is in hiring the right people,” said Black.
New features appear on Tuesdays to highlight people, places, and events.
For more information or to receive a free stretching session, call Stretch Zone at 689-6691. Share new ideas for the What’s New feature with Deborah Griffin at [email protected].

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