The dangers of wearing high heels every day


The dangers of wearing high heels every day
The dangers of wearing high heels every day

The physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist Prof. Dr. Turan Uslu provided information on this topic. Every woman wants to look beautiful and feel good. In addition, women like to wear high-heeled shoes with narrow tips. However, the cost of this is often seen as permanent and irreversible damage to many parts of the musculoskeletal system.

High-heeled shoes cause permanent damage to the ankles, forefoot, toes, heels. A healthy heel should not exceed 5 cm and there should be enough space in front for the toes. In addition, it should not cause any negative effects such as calluses, deformities, and pain that can appear on the feet.

Shoes with high heels cause many misalignments in the front area of ​​the foot (metatarsal bones) and toes, as they transfer their body weight unbalanced to the front area of ​​the foot.


Due to high heels, a severe deformity we call hallux valgus and hallux rigidus is extremely painful and difficult to walk and difficult to treat, and often requires surgery.

Hammer finger;

High heels and narrow shoes squeeze the fingers together like a funnel and cause severe finger deformities. The fingers bend and take the shape of a claw. By constantly rubbing your fingers on your shoes, it causes calluses and prevents you from walking. Severe hammer toe deformities can only be treated with surgery.


It usually depends on the repetitive pressure applied to the skin. Calluses are common in women with foot deformities and those who wear unhealthy shoes, even when they don’t.

Haglund’s disease;

Constant contact of the heel area with the shoe through high-heeled shoes leads to deformation of the bones on the back of the heel. This condition causes severe heel pain, Achilles tendonitis, and bursitis. The back of the heel sometimes swells, collects water, and is a very painful condition.


High heels and narrow shoes compress the fine nerves between your toes, causing these nerves to swell and develop. This is called a Morton’s neuroma. It’s quite painful, even surgery sometimes can’t relieve the pain. It is most common between the 3rd and 4th fingers. In the beginning there is burning, tingling, and numbness. If not treated in a timely manner, it causes permanent nerve damage and throbbing pain that prevent walking.

Ankle sprains;

High-heeled shoes can cause sprains, causing the ligaments in the ankle to stretch, tear, or even tear. Recurring ankle sprains; prepares the soil for loosening of the ankles and calcification.

Lower back pain;

Shoes with high heels increase the cupping waist (hyperlordosis), constrict the nerve canals, cause calcifications and herniated discs in the spine. It decreases the durability of the spine. These deformities also cause back and neck pain by affecting the back and neck vertebrae.

Knee pain;

High-heeled shoes predispose to early knee degeneration and pain by increasing pressure within the knee and disrupting the distribution of the load on the knee.

Calf muscles;

If you wear long shoes with high heels, you will see a shortening of the calf muscles. Even if some of them later wear normal heels, they have difficulty wearing normal shoes due to the shortening of the calf muscles.