The benefits of Neck Exercises You Must Know About Neck Exercises – Bustle

The benefits of Neck Exercises You Must Know About Neck Exercises - Bustle

It’s possible that you don’t realize the extent to which you utilize your neck , until the area begins getting hurt. If you tilt your head and you feel intense pain or you’re suffering from the occasional ache that doesn’t disappear, performing certain neck exercises can assist in getting the job done — and bring the hot spot of tension to the glory it once was.

The benefits of exercises for the neck are the same as those you’d get from exercises that target other areas of your body, such as increased strength, muscle endurance and increased range of motion and pain relief, says Helen Goldstein, DPT, NASM-CPT, an expert in physical therapy using FlexIt. In addition the neck exercises can help improve your posture as well as relieve discomforts from work, those you may suffer from after sitting at your desk for hours, Goldstein explains.

Although you may to experience neck tension or pain due to a variety of causes, Goldstein notes that a frequent cause is sustaining an incorrect or unbalanced posture for prolonged durations in period of time (think the forward tilt of your head). “Strengthening by stretching and stretching neck, along with strengthening the muscles around it like the shoulders and the upper backcan assist in correcting your posture, and reduce the discomfort you may feel,” she tells Bustle.

Tony Matoska, PT, DPT, CMPT, a physical therapy therapist from Athletico Physical Therapy, says that neck pain is likely to diminish when you begin exercising in the event that you adhere to the program. “Gentle stretching can be performed often throughout the day, as required,” he tells Bustle as well as strengthening exercises that can be done between two and three times per week. For a start, pick some exercises from the following list, and then, hopefully, those aches are no longer discomfort in your neck.


Chin Tucks

Chin tuck exercises can help improve bad posture Goldstein describes, whilst gentle stretching the tension in the upper cervical region to the back of your neck.

Stand tall and put your back against the wall.

You can pull your head back and try to connect your head to the wall. back of your head with the wall.

Be sure you’re not inclining your head upwards and instead, pulling your chin to create an “double chin.”

Hold for three seconds, then let it go.

Repeat 10 reps.

– Perform five to seven sets during the day, preferably when you are working at computers.


Upper Trapezius Stretch

Goldstein is also a fan of this exercise to loosen the trapezius muscle, also known as the overactive muscles that runs through the shoulders and neck. It is prone to tightening when you sit with your shoulders in a crouch and high, she claims when you try to perform bicep curls using the wrong weights.

Standing tall, with the shoulders back.

Place your right hand on you back and bend your elbows. This will help you put your shoulder blade in the correct position.

– While keeping your eyes and your nose directed toward the forward direction and your head slightly tilted towards the left side of your shoulder.

Breathe slowly and ensure that you don’t move your left shoulder toward your left ear.

– Instead, ensure your left ear is pointing towards your left shoulder.

For 30 seconds, hold the position Then repeat the same exercise on the other side.


Wall Angels

Matoska suggests this workout to alleviate the upper and neck back discomfort. Try it out a few times a week and it’ll to strengthen the muscles that you require to be in proper posture.

leaning your back against the wall, keeping your feet only one step ahead of you.

Keep your hips and shoulders back and your keep your back to the walls.

Place your hands against the wall at shoulder-height while your arms are bent in such a way that your hands point towards the ceiling.

Make sure that everything is on the wall when you move your arms as high as you can as you try to keep your hands straight.

Then, slide your hands back down, and then squeeze your elbows until they reach your sides, while keeping full contact with the wall.

10. Repeat from 10 to 15. repetitions.

Do 2 to 4 sets.


Open Books

To do this exercise, imagine how you’d open your arms to the shape of the pages of an old book. “It’s good for your neck as well as your upper back and chest, that tend to tighten after prolonged sitting,” Matoska says.

Begin by lying down on your back.

Place the top of your head against a pillow to provide assistance.

Keep your knees straight and bent so that they’re just below the knees.

Turn your head gently and extend your upper arm out.

Then, rotate until you are able to feel an increase in your flexibility. Be sure to breathe your breath deeply throughout the.

You should hold the position for up to two seconds in the end of the range, before returning to the starting position.

Do 20-30 reps. Then repeat on the opposite side.


Quadruped Chin Tucks

This posture-correcting exercise is a different one that will help relieve tension and discomfort within the neck as well as the upper back, Matoska says.

Begin by placing your knees and hands with hands placed directly under your shoulders. Place your knees directly underneath your hips.

– Bring your hands up towards the floor to align your shoulders.

Maintain that posture and do an chin tuck until your neck is straight with your floor.

5. – Hold for 5-10 seconds and breathe out. Then let it go.

Do 10-20 repetitions.

Repeat for 2 to 4 sets.


Neck Rolls

Then, the wellness expert Lesline Pitmann recommends doing gentle neck rolls to lengthen short muscles. “This exercise is a great way to stretch the sternocleidomastoid muscleand reduces the pain in neck and headaches,” she tells Bustle.

– Sit upright in either a chair as well as on the floor.

Place your right ear down to the left side of your shoulder. Unlock your jaw.

– Place your chin on your chest.

Place your right ear on your left shoulder.

Drop the head back.

Repeat the rolls 1-5 times.


Kickball Training

Chiropractor Ryan Todd Lloyd, DC recommends combining the exercises of a couple into one exercise that he calls an exercise known as a kickball. “These exercises are designed to help both move the the cervical spine ,as well as to strengthen neck muscles throughout the entire range of motion in your neck.” Lloyd tells Bustle.

– Put the 8.5-inch Kickball on the wall.

Make use of your back part of your body to secure this ball in place against the wall.

The ball should be pressed to flex for three seconds and after which you release the ball for three seconds.

Then, you can move the ball to the side of your neck.

Press the ball and hold for three minutes. Do the same on both sides.

Then, press the ball using your forehead.

3 seconds – Press and hold for 3 seconds, then release.

During every move, concentrate on feeling your muscles get active.


Standing Cat-Cow

This exercise, by Mara Kimowitz, a stretch expert and the founder of StretchSource and Pliability StretchAcademy, is recommended in the event of neck pain.

Start by placing your hands placed on a desk, table, or counter.

Your feet should be hip-width apart, with your the knees bent slightly.

– To go through”cat” – For the “cat” stage, pull your belly button towards your spine to ensure that your spine begins to curve as an arc of light. Your chin should extend down and into your chest.

Inhale and exhale to take to take a deep breath.

Return to the position from which you started.

– To perform”the “cow” stage, bend your back and gaze up at the ceiling. Stretch and release through your chest and clavicle.

Inhale, exhale, and take to take a deep breath.

Return to the starting point.

Repeat as necessary to keep pressure and stress away from your neck and head.


Shoulder Rolls

If you practice these exercises consistently then you’ll start feeling better, according to Dawn Rivers, a yoga instructor and the owner Daybreak Yoga. Daybreak Yoga. “The important thing to keep in mind is taking time, and persistence to notice a change in your posture, and also be less prone to discomfort.” Here’s a simple exercise that she recommends you do every day, when you feel like it.

Sit straight and with a tall spine.

– Move your shoulders up and back towards the chest.

Inhale as your shoulders move upwards and exhale when they go up and down.

Do 3-4 repetitions before rolling your shoulder upwards and back.

Inhale again as your shoulders rise and exhale when they go back and forth.

Repeat the process 3 to 4 times.


Seated Twists

As Rivers describes, these types of postures cause stress on the muscles which results in them relaxing. “When we work on strengthening the neck muscles like the trapezius as well as the erector spinae which are being exercised or moved in a different way than the norm, they become larger,” she says. Try this exercise for relief.

– Sit on the ground or sit in a seat that has a high spine.

Then, bring your right hand up to your left knee, and then place put your left arm behind you or to your back on the back of the chair.

Inhale to lengthen your spine.

Exhale, twist and look to your left shoulder.

Perform this for 3-4 breaths.

Return to neutral and let your spine to sit for just a while before turning to one side.


Standing Forward Bend

Exercises such as these aid in improving flexibility of your neck, claims Kim Trimmer, M.Ed. C-IAT, ERYT 500, a yoga instructor Therapist, owner, and founder of InsideOut Yoga. The result is that it can help relieve tension-related headaches.

– Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and knees bent.

Allow your head to lower, and then your shoulders and then your spine.

Imagine shifting vertebras forward, one by the other.

– You can roll back to the beginning with the same goal.

Do this three times.

– After the third repetition, remain in the forward position for between 10-12 breaths.

Let your head become heavy. If you find imagery helpful then imagine all the tension that is in your shoulders and neck flowing into the earth.

Repeat the exercise all day long to relieve tension.

Studies referenced:

Mahmoud, N. (2019). The relationship between forward head posture and neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med.

Sal-o, PK. (2010). The impact of training for neck strength on the health-related quality of life for females suffering from persistent neck pain. A randomized followed-up study that was controlled for a year. Health-related Quality of Life Results. PMID: 20465854; PMCID: PMC2877013.


Helen Goldstein, DPT NASM-CPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Tony Matoska, PT DPT, CMPT Physical therapy

Lesline Pitmann, wellness coach

Ryan Todd Lloyd, DC, chiropractor

Mara Kimowitz, stretch expert

Dawn Rivers, yoga instructor

Kim Trimmer, M.Ed. C-IAT, ERYT 500, C-IAT Yoga teacher and therapist