LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – September is brain aneurysm awareness month in the Commonwealth.
The proclamation was made by Governor Beshear in 2020 after a survivor contacted his office.
Many of us have a day when our world has changed forever. For Jennifer Henderson, that day was August 8, 2015.
“I felt like I heard that snapshot,” says Henderson. “I didn’t know what it was.”
Next came the feeling that her head was filling with fluid, then neck pain, later a complete loss of memory.
“The next thing I do is wake up in the hospital and it’s two days later,” says Henderson.
Henderson had a brain aneurysm. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain that can tear.
“It can happen to anyone,” says Henderson. “I was very healthy being a runner.”
Henderson begins a series of surgeries to repair any additional brain aneurysms that occur. She must submit an application for incapacity for work.
“When something like this happens, you just feel like you are not important to anyone,” Henderson said.
Henderson uses her struggle to help others. She contacts Governor Beshear’s office and receives a certificate in the mail. It’s a 2020 proclamation calling September Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month in the Commonwealth.
“That was a nice day for me,” says Henderson.
For Henderson, life is a daily struggle filled with symptoms such as short-term memory and imbalance. But this new reality also brings a sense of gratitude for family time and hope to make a difference.
“When I can help someone,” says Henderson.
According to the Mayo Clinic, brain aneurysms can lurk with no symptoms. They report that screenings can save lives. To donate to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation you can visit this website.
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