Dr. Gautam is an experienced neurologist and interventional pain doctor who owns two clinics – one in Delhi, India and another in New York City
I want to help all medical patients in India. This website is a good start. “
– Gautam Arora
NEW YORK CITY, NY, July 23, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ – Dr. Gautam is an experienced neurologist and interventional pain doctor who owns two clinics – one in Delhi, India and another in New York, USA. In the early years of his career, he cared for patients in and around the states of New York and Georgia. He later decided to open GNG Medical Supplies in New York, followed by the Neurology and Pain Management Clinic (NPMC) in Delhi, India.
Driven by his passion to help more people, he recently discovered a way to enable patients to have better access to health services, especially during difficult times like these. So he started an initiative to develop a telemedicine website called neuroandpain.clinic.
As Internet access increases in India, telemedicine is also growing in popularity as patients seek a reliable and affordable option. In response to this growing need, Dr. Gautam is helping to offer the people who live there this opportunity.
Aside from the remarkable increase in internet access, the COVID-19 pandemic has also played an important role in the growth of telemedicine in the country. Not only is it a global health crisis, but it has resulted in a decline in the economy and a growing fear among people that prevents it from going to hospitals for medical care.
For this reason, the Indian government felt compelled to advance and strengthen the development of telemedicine. Many doctors have also switched to online counseling services to serve people continuously despite the restrictions in place.
With many people looking for a safer way to get medical advice in times of pandemic, Dr. Gautam that it is high time for them to maximize their use of technology and develop a website that connects patients with healthcare professionals without worrying about the dreaded virus.
In addition, it will be of great help in solving some of the prevalent accessibility problems in the country. According to a study published in 2006, 75 percent of Indians live in rural areas and 75 percent of the country’s doctors can be found in cities. Because of this, patients have difficulty getting basic health care. But now that the government and the medical sector are working together to improve and develop telehealth services, there is an opportunity for them to change that situation.
With the advent of telemedicine websites, patients are able to get medical advice at an affordable price without having to travel miles just to get to a doctor. That being said, they shouldn’t have to worry too much that they don’t have adequate medical facilities in rural health centers to care for them.
It will be easier for doctors to monitor and communicate with their patients as online platforms are provided. It is also a way to protect both patients and doctors from possible exposure to disease. In addition, healthcare professionals can help more patients, including those who live in areas where mobility is primarily a problem.
After the launch, neuroandpain.clinic will be exclusively available to patients in India and offer them telemedicine at a very affordable price. From August 1, 2021, Dr. Gautam and the team see patients on the telemedicine website and at the NPMC in Delhi.
Together with NPMC, it will give patients access to diagnostic tests such as EEG, EMG and NCV. In addition, services in general neurology and intervention techniques for back and neck pain, multiple sclerosis, memory disorders and neuromuscular diseases, among others, are offered.
Matt Peters
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July 23, 2021 at 05:29 GMT
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