Evolve Chiropractic – Libertyville Grand Open / Ribbon Cutting

Evolve Chiropractic - Libertyville Grand Open / Ribbon Cutting

Evolve Chiropractic – Libertyville Grand Open / Ribbon Cutting

On June 3rd, business and community representatives of the GLMV Chamber of Commerce met in the office of Dr. Brad Bingham, Evolve Chiropractic, 755 S. Milwaukee Ave., # 127, Libertyville for exciting ribbon cutting festivities.

Among the participants: (from left to right) Village of Libertyville Trustee Dan Love, GLMV Immediate Past Chair Karen Kay Lavris, Dr. Brad Bingham (cuts the tape) and team, Libertyville Mayor Donna Johnson, Mike Babicz, Any Lab Test Now, and others. Evolve specializes in chiropractic solutions for head, back and neck pain relief. For more information on Evolve Chiropratic, please visit https://myevolvechiropractor.com/locations/chiropractor-in-libertyville-il/. Further information on the GLMV Chamber of Commerce can be found at www.glmvchamber.org or [email protected]