March is “Mobility Month” and as your local chiropractor, I urge all Docklands residents to test their flexibility and mobility and protect their spine health.
A staggering three-quarters (72.2 percent) of people who have had to work from home suffered from postural pain — now chiropractors across the country want to make sure the damage doesn’t last.
Spinal problems can go beyond physical pain. A third (32.6%) of Aussies living with pain admit it affects their mobility and one in five (20.7%) say it causes anxiety and depression. Experts say four simple test exercises could determine the state of your spine’s health and whether you need to seek professional help.
During this Mobility Month, as Docklanders approach the two-year anniversary of the “new normal,” Dr. Mike of Docklands Health gave Docklands locals a chance to assess their spine health and mobility with a simple four-step test.
Over the past two years, I and other chiropractors across the country have seen a worrying increase in patients reporting back and neck pain caused by changes in their lifestyle — such as working from home rather than in the being able to exercise. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone to proactively check their mobility and protect their health and well-being.
According to research, a third of people living with pain (such as neck and back pain) admitted to having limited movement and mobility (32.6 percent), which has significantly impacted their quality of life. For example, one in ten (11.5 percent) admitted that they were no longer able to play with their children, and 11.8 percent of the candidates also said that this “restricted mobility” affected their ability to have intimate relationships (11 .8 percent). .
However, mobility issues can go much further than just highlighting spinal pain and can often point to a range of significantly more serious health problems. For example, research shows that people with a sedentary lifestyle and postural pain double their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and increase their risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, dyslipidemia, depression and anxiety.
Mobility Month is the perfect time to give yourself a movement assessment, determine if your body isn’t as mobile as it could be and seek professional advice if needed.
To help porters assess their mobility and ensure they are at risk of serious health consequences, a few simple tests have been developed to try at home •

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