Do you feel your neck is causing pain to you? Try these three simple poses The Indian Express

Do you feel your neck is causing pain to you? Try these three simple poses The Indian Express

One of the main causes of stiff neck today is the result of bending and hunching over our gadgets, and an overworked mind. There are many other causes too such as:

* Joints worn out because of arthritis or age.

* Compression of the nerve

* Injuries like whiplash jerk

* Continual poor posture

For the majority of these issues Three simple poses can fix your head on your neck, allowing you to move it with ease and strength, easing you of pain, stiffness or discomfort that hinders you from carrying on your day-to-day activities.

The two first asanas are easy enough to be performed twice daily in the morning and evening particularly for those with serious neck stiffness or are unable to step away from using their screens and phones or sat for long periods at a table. It is recommended to do these in conjunction with other routine exercises or yoga exercises as precautionary measures to prevent getting into an uncomfortable situation.

Greeva Sanchalana (Neck Movements)

Advantages Every vein, nerve, and and arteries linking the various organs and the limbs of our bodies to the brain travel through neck. The carotid vein, which regulates heart rate, is a part of the neck. Neck movements control all of these. This is also an area that is prone to tension and stress. The neck movements are targeted at the thyroid glands and are beneficial for the eyes, which are affected through the use of devices.

Warning: People suffering from high or low BP vertigo, spondylitis, or vertigo must follow the advice of an expert or stay clear of forward bending, or practice neck rotation only in a semi-circles without bent forward.


1. Upward and downward movement:

* Relax in a chair or padmasana ( crossed legged) with your head and spine straight and your entire body at ease.

When you exhale, shift your head back towards as much back as is possible. It is possible to keep your eyes shut so that you are aware of the neck region or keep them open, but be aware of the results of your exercise in the neck region.


As you exhale, lower your head backwards in a steady, slow move until finally your chin is positioned against your chest.

* Inhale, then come back to your starting point. This is a single round. You must do five rounds.

2. Sideways bending:

* Continue to hold the starting position. Inhale from the middle before exhaling. As you exhale, turn your head to the right to allow your ears to are moving towards your shoulders, but the shoulders remain in place. Flex your neck to the maximum extent so that you feel a full stretch on the left side of your neck and a feeling of compression to the side on your right. Keep your eyes on the neck region.


When you exhale take a deep breath, bring your body back to the centre, and when your exhale comes out, bend your body to on the side to your left. Inhale and come back to the center.

* This is a single round. Five rounds are required.

3. Neck Twisting:

Start with the position you are in. Inhale from the middle and then exhale. turn your neck to the right extreme.

After inhaling, get to the center.

* When you exhale, turn to the left. Inhale and slowly come back to the center.

* Throughout the day, remain aware of the neck region by keeping your eyes closed or wide.

* This is just one round.

* Perform five rounds.

4. Neck Rotation

* Begin from the position of base.

* Inhale through the centre and then exhale. lower your head towards the front.


* Turn your head clockwise direction and complete round motion.

* Complete five rounds of neck rotation in the clockwise direction.

* Repeat this process by 5 rounds in a clockwise direction.

Skandha Chakra (Shoulder joint rotation)

The benefits: A shoulder rotation alleviates pain, strain or stiffness resulting from the long days of driving, sitting at the desk, or at the computer, etc. It can even be practiced by those who suffer with neck pain and frozen shoulder. It can also help improve respiration.


A word of caution: There are hardly any contraindications to this method.


* Sitting in the seated position, with a straight back and hands resting on the thighs put the point fingertips of your right hand over the right shoulder, keeping the elbow placed in an arc straight across the shoulder.


* Now turn the elbow of your right hand in the manner of drawing a large circle, initially in a clockwise direction for 5-10 times before turning in the opposite direction for 5-10 times.

* Repeat this for your left shoulder for 5-10 times in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.

Join both elbows to your chest. The tip of your fingers from both hands resting on your shoulders. Inhale and then lift each elbow away from your ears, bringing them close enough in order to pull them fully to the back and then exhale to return them back to their starting position, thereby completing the full circle of your shoulder joint for an hour. This is a round. Five rounds are required.

Repeat the rotation while taking your elbows down below while you exhale and pull them towards from the back part of your body. Five times this will complete round motion in reverse. your shoulders joint.

Sarpasana ( The pose of the snake)

The benefits: The exercise helps to tone up the muscles of the upper back muscles and relieve stiffness and tension between the shoulders and neck. It helps correct bad posture, specifically the shoulders that are round. It aids in breathing and can benefit the heart as well.

Warning: People suffering from any type of hernia, severe ulcers hypothyroidism, or hernias should avoid them or take care under the guidance of an expert.


* Sit down on your stomach, feet together, toes spread out, chin pressed against the floor.

* Join fingers and place them on the hips, keeping the palm facing towards the inside.

• Relax shoulders, and the entire body.

Take a deep breath after filling your lungs to capacity Begin to lift the chest and head off the floor. At the same time, you’ll be pulling the arms back, almost as if they are launching the body.

* You should raise the front of your body up to the diaphragm.

* Stay in this position for as long as it feels comfortable.

With exhalation then lower your head back to the floor. let your hands go, place them on the floor next to the body. Turn the head to the left and ease into the position.

* This is just one round. Five rounds. At the end of each round, shift you head towards the opposite side and then relax.

Best of luck with your training.

(Kamini Bobde ) is (Kamini Bobde) is a Kundalini practitioner who adheres to her Swami Satyananda Saraswati yoga tradition. She is the creator of Kundalini Yoga for All: Find the Power of Your Mind and Body. The book was published by Penguin)