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COVID-19 neck pain can be a symptom that is present early in the virus’s life. What you need to know about neck pain caused by COVID.
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Scientists are still learning more about the virus, even after years of the coronavirus epidemic. COVID-19 affects climate, health, education and job markets. Some may wonder if neck discomfort is one of the COVID-19 symptoms.
Look at the most common COVID-19 symptoms and how long they may last.
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COVID-19 is also associated with neck stiffness and pain. The severity of neck pain caused by COVID-19 depends on the individual. COVID-19 symptoms can vary, so it’s important to be aware of them in order to seek medical attention if they are severe.
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Can COVID-19 cause neck pain?
COVID-19 can cause neck pain.
According to Medical News Today inflammation of the muscles can cause discomfort. When a person is infected with COVID-19, their immune system can trigger reactions that cause inflammation. The immune system is working, which is good, but inflammation can cause pain, especially in neck muscles.
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Another possible cause could be that “the virus might bind to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors within the muscles.” Medical News Today states that this could cause pain in each muscle.
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It is also possible that someone with COVID-19 spends a lot of time in bed, or slouching in a chair to rest. Resting in a position that is not comfortable or staying in bed for longer than usual can also cause neck pain. COVID-19 can also cause stiffness due to a lack movement.
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Can neck pain be an indication of COVID-19 infection?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not identify neck pain specifically as a symptom of COVID-19. However, “muscle or aches in the body” are considered one of the most important indicators of infection. It’s possible to have neck pain before COVID-19 is diagnosed.
According to 60 and Me, neck discomfort is a common complaint among COVID-19 sufferers. In some cases, it is one of the first signs that a person needs to be tested for COVID-19. This does not mean that neck pain is a sign of COVID-19.
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Neck pain may be caused by long-term COVID or something else.
Some people with “long COVID”, have continued to experience muscle pain. Everyday Health states that people with COVID-19 tend to experience pain in the neck and back, as well as shoulder and other areas.
In rare cases, neck discomfort can be a sign of something more serious, such as meningitis, thyroid problems, or other conditions. Mayo Clinic notes that neck stiffness can be a sign of meningitis. It is also accompanied by sudden high fever, severe nausea, and severe headache. If you think your symptoms may be a sign you need immediate medical attention, contact your doctor.

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