Back and Neck Pain Care Treatment for Neck and Back Pain Avera Health


If back and neck pain impede your day-to-day activities, our orthopedic doctors at Avera are here to assist. It can happen suddenly as a result of an accident, injury or lifting something heavy — or take longer of time. Our patient-centered care offers you an individualized treatment plan that is tailored to meet your needs at any age or stage.

Treatments for Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures

The pain can manifest as muscle spasmsor feeling of tingling or tightness in the back neck, pelvis and hips. If the pain is sudden, sharp, dull , or painful, not ignoring it will give you relief. If self-care remedies at home such as resting, icing and stretching don’t work for you, we recommend you consult us.

Avera Orthopedics specializes in treating various spine issues that affect those in the back as well as neck. We customize treatment for your particular needs and objectives with non-surgical and surgical techniques.

Conditions We Treat

  • An acute neck injury and back injuries to the back and neck
  • Thoracic, back, neck back, neck and thoracic
  • Neck and back discomfort
  • Compression fractures that affect the spine
  • A curvature in the spine (kyphosis and the scoliosis)
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet joint disorder
  • Nerve root injuries

Non-surgical Neck and Back Options

There are alternative options to surgery to treat back and neck pain. back or neck. When possible, we’ll start with non-surgical options like bracing, physical therapy injections, medication (including prescription and over-the-counter medications) as well as occupational therapy.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Options

If necessary for the procedure, you can have an Avera orthopedic surgeon will carry out the procedure using minimally-invasive techniques to reduce the pain in the spine.

What this means for to you The most effective and ingenuous procedures result in reduced pain and motion and, ultimately, an improved outcome. This means that you’ll be able to recover faster.

You’re on the Way to a More Optimal Neck and back

To reduce the chance of a recurrence (acute chronic or lasting pain) Come in and see us. We’ll start the treatment process of healing by getting understand your current health issues and your health past.

How does this help the user: The orthopedic specialists at our clinic provide patient-centered care, bringing you a plan of treatment that is tailored to your specific needs. By using this method we can aid you in getting back to living your life once more.