A herniated disk could be the reason for back and neck discomfort. SalemNews.net

A herniated disk could be the reason for back and neck discomfort. SalemNews.net

SALEM – If you suffer with persistent back or neck discomfort, a herniated disc may be the cause.

“The spine is made of bones that are made up of vertebrae” explained David Prior, M.D., FAAOS an orthopaedic surgeon with a fellowship training. spine surgeon associated to Salem Regional Medical Center (SRMC) as well as Salem Orthopaedic surgery. “Some of the vertebrae are cushioned with soft jelly-like discs which permit the user to move their spine in a variety of directions and to bend it.”

The term “herniated” or “slipped” disc is when all or a portion of a disc that is between two vertebrae begin to shift out of alignment, which may cause nerve irritation and trigger discomfort. Although herniated discs can occur anyplace along the spine however, they tend to are found on the low back or neck.

“In the midst of back as well as neck pain patients with herniated discs can feel pain, numbness or weakness in their legs or arms. The symptoms typically get worse with movement and improve with time ,” > he said.

According to Prior Herniated discs, according to Prior usually due to natural wear and tear from aging to the spine. Other possible risk factors for herniated disks are:

— Excessive weight

— Repetitive movements for activities, sports, or for hobbies.

The sudden strain is caused by incorrect lifting or twisting

— A lifestyle that is sedentary

A traumatizing event such as a fall

– Smoking

“Most injured discs are diagnosed with physical examinations to evaluate the muscle reflexes, pain as well as muscle strength and sensation,” he said. “Your physician might also recommend imaging tests to verify the existence of a herniated disc , and give a more precise view of its position in the spine.”

Herniated discs tend to heal themselves within a few days to weeks, using at-home remedies; for example, taking breaks during the day, avoiding being seated for extended durations of time gently stretching, and staying away from activities that can cause discomfort.

“Your physician could also recommend medications or physical therapy to relieve discomfort,” Prior added. “Surgery isn’t often necessary to treat a disc herniation, but it could be an option when non-invasive treatments do not alleviate the pain.”

Prior, M.D., FAAOS Sees patients in Salem Orthopaedic Surgery. It is located within Salem Regional Medical Center located at 1995 E. State St. in Salem. An appointment with Prior is booked by calling 330-332-7840.

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