4 Yoga Poses For Neck Pain Relief – HerZindagi

4 Yoga Poses For Neck Pain Relief - HerZindagi

Neck pain is among the most common issues experienced by many and is a problem that can affect any person. Work on the computer for long several hours, sitting for hours and no physical exercise can result in chronic neck pain.

The pain in the neck is frequent problem that is caused by of a variety of causes. These include daily activities that require repetitive forward motions as well as poor posture, or the habit of holding your head in a fixed position for prolonged periods of time. The neck is among the most delicate parts of the body , which needs special attention.

Yoga can be a useful and effective method for alleviating neck discomfort. Since the beginning of time yoga has been a part in Indian culture. The body and the mind are connected through a mix of exercises and meditation techniques. It increases physical and mental endurance, the flexibility and endurance. Below are the four yoga poses which can reduce neck pain

1. Sarpasana (Snake pose)

Begin by lying down on your stomach. Then, put your palms in a knot in front of your back. Then, lift your chest, head and shoulder , making sure you keep your feet on the floor. Maintain this posture for eight to 10 seconds. Slowly breathe out and in.

2. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Straighten your posture and extend your legs as far as you are able to. You can now extend your hands in a side-ways direction and keep the rest of your back straight. Slowly lean towards your left side while keeping your left hand in a raised position until your right hand is touching your ankle. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, being in that same position as you stand up. Then, repeat the exercise on the other side of your body.

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3. Balasana (Child Pose)

The first step is to kneel down. make sure your hands are down and your spine straight. Then slowly bend forward until both of your the thighs are touching your chest. Continue to bend to the side until you head touches the floor. Bring your hands down to the floor, and then extend your hands inwards, with one on the opposite sides of the knees (Step By Step Guide to Cleanse Your Knees At Home). Take 20 to 25 minutes in this position, then take an unintentional break, continue to repeat three times.

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4. From ear to shoulder

The first step is to sit comfortably and lay down. Place your chin on your chest, and hold the spine (Dynamic Stretches for a Better spine) straight. Make use of both hands to move your head forward and the other hand to gently pull your opposite shoulder to the opposite direction while you turn your head left or right until your ear touches your shoulder. Then, roll your head back to the middle of your body slowly then repeat the process on the opposite side.

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