MIS-C is a rare but serious complication associated with COVID-19. In Texas, Hispanic children are disproportionately affected.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A rare but serious pediatric complication related to COVID-19 has sent hundreds of Texas children to the hospital.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, or MIS-C, is a disease in which various organs in the body become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain.
The Texas Department of State Health Services says MIS-C sent 418 children to the hospital and 279 were later admitted to the intensive care unit. Four children have died.
The average age of these children is only nine years. The good news is that of the 418 children admitted, 383 have now been released.
Nearly half of all MIS-C cases in the state have occurred in Hispanic children.
- 49% – Hispanic (203 children)
- 24% – Black (100 children)
- 21% – White (87 children)
- 3% – Asians (12 children)
- 4% – Other or Unknown (16 children)
Texas divides the state into 11 public health regions. Nueces County and all other counties in the 3News display area are in Region 11, which includes the Rio Grande Valley to the border.
Our area has seen 62 cases of MIS-C. North Texas, which includes both Regions 2 and 3, has seen the most cases at 151.
Symptoms of MIS-C include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes, and fatigue.
The exact cause of MIS-C has not been determined, but Texas health leaders say many of these MIS-C infected children either contracted COVID-19 or were around someone with COVID-19.
Boys were also more at risk than girls. Of the 418 Texas children who developed MIS-C, 270 were boys. That is 65% of the children.
Doctors say the best way to protect your child is to get them vaccinated against COVID-19.
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