Why do my migraine headaches become more severe in winter? Self

Why do my migraine headaches become more severe in winter?  Self

One time, a migraine-prone person might want to go between mistletoe and pumpkins without having a headache that splits the skull showing up. However, wherever there are heads, there are headaches. And for some headaches are seen often during winter seasons.

The majority of people experience headaches at some point or another. Fortunately that most headaches are minor annoyances which go away fairly quickly. The frequent or painful headaches however, could be an indication that something is more severe like a headache-related disorder.

A very prevalent headache-related disorders is migraine, that can cause an intense pain that can be felt across the forehead on either side as well as other symptoms that can be a sensitivity or sensitivity or noises, nausea, as well as sensory, visual, or speech disturbances known as aura, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

Like the symptoms of migraine and headache, migraine triggers can vary greatly depending on the individual. While science isn’t capable of proving that seasons affect the triggers in the way that people experience migraines, many claim that their headaches are affected by the weather as per the American Migraine Foundation. There are a number of theories to explain this phenomenon. SELF interviewed experts on how winter, particularly it can be a headache season. We also asked how you can get better on those chilly, miserable days.

There are several reasons you may experience more headaches in the cold winter months.

“One of the things that is interesting we observe on a clinical basis is that people frequently experience a rise in the frequency of migraines right following the holiday season.” Niushen Zhang, MD head of the headache division as well as clinical assistant professor of Stanford Medicine, tells SELF.

Many sufferers of migraine experience triggers that can trigger attacks, and it’s shocking the number of triggers we identify with winter. Alcohol consumption (mulled wine perhaps? ) Too much or not enough caffeine (et tu peppermint lattes? ) flashing or bright lights and strong scents (like candles that smell scented) and certain food items (aged aged cheeses, cured and salted meats can be big triggers) are all possible causers. 1

Weather-related changes can trigger migraines According to Mayo Clinic. This can include humid air (pick your favorite between central heating and cold, dry outdoors) extreme cold, and stormy or windy conditions. The changes in weather – and the diminishing hours of sunshine that go along with winter, can cause an insufficiency in brain chemical levels such as serotonin and which can cause migraine-related attacks in certain individuals. 1

A single trigger is rarely the cause to a migraine the doctor. Zhang adds. The majority of triggers are based upon other triggers, and they can only be a problem if sufficient variables are altered. “Change is the key word in this case,” Dr. Zhang states. “Changes within a person’s surroundings and routines, and changes in stress levels could all trigger migraine.”

Let’s say that you’re sleeping less working is stressful when you begin the new year. Also, the food you eat has changed over the last few months. And, of course, it’s dark and cold which means that your usual exercise routine has turned into routine walks that are only once a week. It’s winter time, and it’s a headache. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to put winter off. However, that doesn’t mean you have to endure.

How can you avoid migraines this winter?

Find your triggers.

If you’re worried about whether your current treatment options will be able to withstand winter the next step would be to pinpoint your triggers and develop plans. Based on the Cleveland Clinic, a symptom journal is extremely beneficial as it can assist you to determine what triggers you and assist your doctor to understand the cause of your headaches and migraines more effectively.