BOLIVAR, Mo. (KY3) It’s a feeling that you dread when one is approaching, it can knock your socks off and make you feel like you are out of the world for the day. A migraine.
“Migraine headaches have symptoms that are associated with migraine,” said Curtis Schreiber. He is a physician at Citizens Memorial Hospital’s Neurology and Headache Centre. “Symptoms include severe headaches, light sensitivity and sound sensitivity. They can worsen with movement. There are also nausea and vomiting. But not all migraines exhibit all of these symptoms.”
Dr. Schreiber explained that while migraines are caused by stress, such as emotional, physical or phycological stress, regular headaches can be brought on by other factors.
“Migraine headaches are genetically based,” said Dr. Schreiber. “Now, there’s something genetic. We know that not everyone has a direct history of migraine, but we also know that there is a genetic predisposition to develop it. It’s really a brain disorder.”
Dr. Schreiber says migraine sufferers are in a constant battle.
Dr. Schreiber said, “Most people think of migraine as a headache. But migraine sufferers have migraines 24/7 for their entire life.” “It’s not like an iceberg-type migraine attack, but the nervous system of migraine sufferers is susceptible to migraine headaches.”
Dr. Schreiber says there are some good news. There have been major advances in the field.
Dr. Schreiber said, “There are new treatments available that are completely different than what was available in five years.”
He also said that it is important to take good care of yourself.
Dr. Schreiber said, “We always advise our patients that lifestyle issues are very important.” “The answer might not be in the form of a prescription, a pill, a shot, or an infusion. It could be what you do to help yourself.”
He said that limiting caffeine intake, staying hydrated and getting lots of exercise can help reduce migraine attacks.
Call CMH’s Research Department at 417-328-781 if you’re interested to take part in a migraine headache clinical trial.
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