What Does a Headache Associated with COVID-19 Feel Like? Healthline Symptoms and More


COVID-19 is an infection which more 508 million of people have contracted until April 2022. It’s caused by a form of coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. Coronaviruses are a huge group of virus that causes respiratory illnesses.

Headaches are among the most frequent symptoms of COVID-19. Information released by the

Study of COVID Symptoms

The study in December 2021 found that headaches were among the five symptoms most often reported associated with the Omicron variant. It also revealed:

  • runny nose
  • fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • sore throat

COVID-19 is linked to migraine and tension headaches. When headaches start to manifest frequently, they are one of the first signs.

Most headaches will go away in several weeks, but some suffer from long-haul headaches that last for months or even weeks following an the infection.

Read on to learn more about the signs of COVID-19 headaches, and how you can do to treat them.

Numerous studies

Have confirmed that headaches are among the most frequently reported neurological symptoms of COVID-19. If they do appear typically, they’re the result of COVID-19.

The first sign


However, there aren’t any particular features of COVID-19-caused migraines which are distinct from other kinds of headaches.

It’s crucial to observe if your headache becomes more severe than you’re familiar with or if it happens at a different time and not due to typical stresses.

The majority of people

sufferers of COVID-19 headaches develop tension headaches, which have the following features:

  • moderate or intense intensity
  • the head. Both sides are painful. the head
  • Feeling pulsing or pressing
  • headaches or the on the sides of the head or around the eyes.
  • inadequate responses to prescription (OTC) medication

About a quarter

Of those who suffer from COVID-19 headaches also suffer from migraine attacks. The headaches may occur even in those who have not had a prior history of migraine.

Migraine may cause:

  • Pain, typically in one head side
  • The pain may be pulsing or throbbing.
  • sensitiveness to light, sound and smell
  • nausea and vomiting

People who suffer from COVID-19 and develop headaches are also more likely to develop:

  • febrile
  • sore throat
  • Loss of taste
  • loss of smell
  • Muscle aches

In a

2022 study

Researchers discovered that of 288 patients suffering from COVID-19, 22.2 percent developed neurological symptoms. In this group, 69.1 percent developed headaches.

The majority of headaches last for seven days. They lasted for longer than 30 days with 18 percent patients suffering from headaches, and for more than three months for 10 per cent.

In a second

2022 study

Researchers found that, in a study of 905 patients who suffered from COVID-19 headaches, half of them experienced headaches that lasted longer than two weeks.

If you’ve had a experience of headaches, staying away from certain triggers can decrease the likelihood of having headaches. Alcohol is a frequent trigger headaches, so you could benefit from abstaining from it.

There are many home remedies that could help you control the symptoms. This includes:


can help with headaches that last for a long time which don’t respond to other treatments.

For the majority of people COVID-19 is a mild or moderate symptoms that are managed with rest and drink fluids.

In rare instances COVID-19 has been connected to headaches caused by thunderclaps. The headaches can be severe pain that is felt in a matter of seconds.

Medical emergency

The frequent occurrence of headaches that cause thunderclaps could be an indication of brain bleeding which requires immediate medical treatment. It’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as you suffer from a acute headache that is sudden in its onset.

It is also recommended to seek urgent medical attention if you have any of the following emergency COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Pressure or pain in your chest
  • confusion
  • gray or blue lips or face
  • difficulty in staying away from or getting up

Notice:People with dark skin might not be able to see the signs of oxygen deficiency as clearly as those who have lighter skin.

If you’re suffering from COVID-19 long-haul symptoms, you must see your doctor for an examination and to create a suitable treatment program.

Headaches are among the most frequent symptoms of COVID-19. Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19.

Review of research

discovered that of the 6,635 patients who had COVID-19 12.9 percent suffered from headaches or dizziness.



It was found that 10.9 percent of patients with COVID-19 within a group of 7,559 who reported headaches.

Younger and females

tend to be the most susceptible to develop COVID-19 headaches.

It’s unclear exactly why COVID-19 can cause headaches, however both direct and indirect factors could be involved.

It has been suggested that the virus might infiltrate the brain’s tissue, perhaps through your

Olfactory system

or by crossing the blood brain barrier and increasing or by crossing the blood-brain barrier and causing. It’s possible that a malfunction of the hypothalamus or trigeminal nerve could also be a contributing factor.

Certain people suffering from COVID-19 could suffer from a cytokine swarm (overproduction of pro-inflammatory substances from the immune system). This could cause the neuroinflammation that can cause headaches.

Other causes like low levels of oxygen in the brain and body, lack of water or eating less frequently could be a contributing factor to the onset of headaches.

Headaches are a typical consequence of COVID-19’s vaccines. They are frequently reported by

About half

of those who have received vaccines and generally begin experiencing symptoms after 72 hours. Headaches can be a result of their own or accompany other symptoms such as:

  • joint pain
  • Muscle aches
  • febrile
  • fatigue
  • diarrhea

Headaches typically disappear within several days.

Medical emergency

Headaches that develop later in the course of time could be an indication of a serious condition called cerebral venous the thrombosis. It is recommended that the National Health Service recommends seeking emergency medical attention if have any of these symptoms within 4 days or 4 weeks after the vaccination:

  • severe headache that is not alleviated by medications for pain, or pain that is getting more severe
  • headache that is more painful whenever you lie on your back or bend over
  • headache, which is caused by nausea, blurred vision weakening of speech or drowsiness, seizures, or epilepsy
  • It’s a rash that appears like an irritated or small blemish under your skin
  • shortness of breathing, chest pain, abdominal pain or swelling of the legs

Headaches are among the most commonly reported signs of COVID-19. Tension headaches are the most common however, about one quarter of the people suffering from headaches suffer migraine-related episodes. The condition can occur in people who have never had a history of migraine.

COVID-19 is usually treated by rest. However, it is important to see your doctor in the event of acute symptoms, such as chest pain. It’s important to consult your physician when you notice chronic symptoms to ensure a thorough examination.