We listened, and we said Do I have to worry about headaches that are intermittent all day long? – Nebraska Medicine

We listened, and we said Do I have to worry about headaches that are intermittent all day long? - Nebraska Medicine


Through the day, I’ve experienced the occasional mildly painful headaches that have come up at random. I’m pondering if this is something serious.

Answered by headache specialists and neurologists Elizabeth Hartman, MD, and Peter Soh, MD, MPH:

There are more than 270 varieties of headaches The most frequent kinds are migraine and tension-type. There is a family risk for certain types of headache the root cause is a bit more complex. A specialist in headache can assist in the diagnosis and management of facial pain, headaches or conditions.

Headache triggers could include, but aren’t restricted to:

  • Tension in the muscles
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Diet
  • Dehydration
  • High blood pressure
  • Doing too many prescription medications to treat discomfort

Headaches can be treated. If you experience frequent headaches visit your primary care physician who will recommend you to a specialist in headaches when needed.

The headache is a general sign and can also be similarity to primary headache problems. Therefore, determining if there are possible causes that cause headaches are crucial. A thorough medical examination, a physical, and, if required diagnostic imaging as well as laboratory tests, can assist in diagnosing.

If you notice a sudden headaches, with severe intensity particularly with dizziness, weakness or a change in sensation throughout your body, dial 911 for an emergency examination.