Treatment of COVID-19 headaches Natural, medication solutions, and much more Treatment for COVID-19 headaches – Medical News Today


Headaches are a frequent manifestation of COVID-19. It is particularly common when the condition is due to the Omicron coronavirus variant. Headaches can be an initial symptom of COVID-19, or as an additional symptom caused by factors like lack of sleep, dehydration or sleeping for prolonged durations.

There are many possibilities for causing headaches which include stress, or withdrawal from caffeine. It is common to treat headaches at home by using medicines as well as home remedies or both. Sometimes, a headache can become a medical emergency and the patient will require medical treatment.

The article we’ve written will present an outline of the COVID-19 as well as headaches and headaches, including the connection with headaches along with long COVID. We also provide a look at the options for those suffering from COVID-19-related headaches and provide a list of other possible causes for headaches and provide advice on when to visit the doctor.

Visit our COVID-19 hub for information on more about the disease.

A headache is a typical sign of COVID-19. According to a review of 2021 estimates of the amount of COVID-19 sufferers that suffer headaches as a sign of the condition range between 10% and 70 70%. In the majority of cases, headaches tend to be tension headaches but around 25% of sufferers have migraine-like symptoms.

The probability of having headaches as a result of COVID-19 could also be contingent partially on the form of the coronavirus responsible for it.

Research preliminary

It is believed that headaches are among the more frequent symptoms that sufferers of the Omicron form of the virus have.

A review from 2021 reveals the fact that headaches occurring when you have a coronavirus infection is associated with a lower chance to die from COVID-19. But the reason behind this association is not clear.

COVID-19 is an incredibly new diseasethat doctors have yet to develop an effective treatment specifically for the headaches that it can trigger. Instead, patients depend on the standard remedies for headaches. The specific treatment is contingent on the kind of headaches they have.

Tension-type headaches

The majority of COVID-19 headaches are tension-type headaches. These headaches result when muscle pain in the shoulders or neck extends to the head. Pain medication can alleviate headache and muscular discomfort.

Certain medications can help relieve symptoms

This includes


Migraine headaches

Some people develop migraine headaches during or following coronavirus infection.


is a neurological disorder that usually causes a moderate to extreme headache the opposite facet of your head.

Other symptoms that could be associated with migraine could include:

  • Sensitivity to sound, light or scents
  • changes in the vision or bodily sensations
  • nausea or vomiting

Like tension headaches as with migraines, tension headaches can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) including naproxen ibuprofen or aspirin.

If the drugs mentioned above are not effective the doctor can suggest one or more these drugs:

The use of preventive therapies can decrease your risk of suffering from migraine headaches. There are a variety of options to consider:

The most efficient natural remedies of COVID-19-related headaches is to recognize and avoid possible triggers. Common triggers for headaches that occur when suffering from coronavirus infections are:

  • sitting in bed. This can cause tension and muscle soreness in the upper back.
  • the result of dehydration due to an illness like a fever or fatigue that makes it difficult to eat or drink water
  • sleep deprivation
  • stress

Tips to prevent headache triggers are:

  • Stretching or massaging muscles with care
  • drinking lots of drinking plenty of water
  • using acetaminophen to control an illness like a fever.
  • using mindfulness or meditation to lower stress levels and improve sleeping

Natural headache remedies can are:

  • exercising

    This can aid in the following areas:

    • Reduce tension and muscle soreness
    • alleviating stress
    • Promoting sleep
  • Applying heat to muscles that are tense to reduce tension headache pain
  • Massage tight muscles in the neck, shoulders jaw, shoulders along with the back of the skull
  • taking a warm bath or shower
  • Supplementing with magnesium could help alleviate acute headaches and decrease the chance of having chronic headaches
  • Avoiding the consumption of excessive amounts of caffeine

A headache can be a

A common symptoms

of COVID with a long duration. Researchers are still unable to understand the reason for this.

There isn’t a specific treatment for COVID with long duration or the headaches it may cause. The same treatment methods that patients use to treat other headaches can help ease the pain of long COVID headaches. But, they will not keep the headaches from returning back.

Patients suffering from long-term COVID and headaches are advised to consult the doctor about more long-term treatments and also the possibility of taking part on clinical studies.

Headaches are quite common but do not necessarily mean that someone has COVID-19. If a patient with COVID-19 experiences headaches but the condition may not be the reason.

In certain cases headaches can be a secondary symptom due to the act of being in bed causes tension headache. In other instances headaches may be unrelated to the coronavirus disease.

While they can be uncomfortable,

The majority of headaches

They aren’t harmful and will go away in their own time. Examples



  • sinus headaches
  • migraine headaches
  • tension headaches
  • Cluster headaches
  • headaches caused by headaches cause headaches are caused by:

    • anxiety and stress
    • dehydration
    • taking too much caffeine, or withdrawing from caffeine

However, certain headaches could signal an emergency medical situation. A headache that has the following symptoms could signal the presence of a medical condition that is serious like stroke or meningitis:

  • A intense headache that occurs abruptly and is not like any other headache. It is a sudden and severe migraine that can be described as atypical of
  • A headache that is accompanied by other signs, like:

The majority of headaches disappear by themselves or after the appropriate treatment at home. Patients suffering from COVID-19-related headaches might notice that their headaches are less frequent or more severe after the COVID-19 symptoms have subsided.

However the long COVID is not uncommon, particularly in older COVID-19 sufferers.

In a 2021 study in 2021, 57% of 273,618 COVID-19 victims had at least one COVID-related symptom for up to six months after the first infection. In this group, 8.67% had a headache for the first 180 days after COVID-19. 4.63 percent had headaches within 90-180 days following COVID-19.

These data suggest that while it is true that COVID-19-related headaches tends to decrease with the passage of time, some sufferers might continue to suffer headaches up to 6 months after the infection.

The majority of COVID-19-related headaches will go away over time. However, anyone with COVID-19, or who had coronavirus infections in the past should consult with a physician in the event of any of the following:

  • the symptoms of COVID for long periods of time.
  • getting worse headaches
  • A headache that lasts for many days, and doesn’t respond to treatment at home
  • frequent, severe and persistent migraine attacks that are persistent, frequent, or severe.

A headache could be a sign of an emergency medical situation. One should visit an emergency department or dial 911 if they have any of the symptoms below:

  • Extremely severe headache pain that is not like their typical headache pain. It is very intense and different from the usual
  • A thunderclap headache is a painful headache that can strike within under 60 seconds
  • A severe headache that is followed by an intense popping sensation in the head
  • an intense headache after an injury to the head in a fall or accident
  • associated symptoms, for example:

    • confusion
    • difficult to comprehend the language
    • Speech slurred
    • difficulties in coordination or balance
    • an insufficiency on one side of the body or face
    • loss of consciousness
    • seizures

The headache can be a typical sign of COVID-19. It could be an initial or secondary symptom of the condition. Headaches may also be the result of chronic COVID.

Treatment for COVID-19 related headaches is similar to those for headaches that are not caused by the condition. Treatment options include over-the counter or prescription pain relievers, together with natural therapies like massage, gentle exercise and keeping hydrated.

One should consult an expert if they are experiencing chronic or worsening headaches after or during an infection with coronavirus.

The majority of headaches are not serious and go away at their own pace or with proper treatment. However, certain headaches may indicate a more grave and life-threatening medical problem. If you experience an intense or sudden headache, which is coupled with other symptoms that are concerning is advised to seek immediate medical attention.