Treatment for Headaches Using Hypnosis Treatment of Headaches With Hypnosis Psychology Today

Source Alex Green/Pexels

Headaches can be caused by a variety of causes, such as the consumption of alcohol (especially alcohol, particularly red wines) as well as certain food items (such such as the meats and other foods that are high in Nitrates) poor sleeping habits, bad posture, eating habits and stress.

  • The most popular kind of headache is referred to as “tension headache” which is characterized by an aching, dull pain as well as pressure in the sides, forehead or the back or back.
  • Migraines are yet another kind of headache that causes intense throbbing pain that is usually in one head. They are often caused by vomiting, nausea and extreme sensitivity the sound or light. Sometimes, migraines are preceded by just a few minutes with an aura that may cause visual disturbances, or tingling on the opposite side of the arm, face or leg.
  • Headaches can also be caused due to numerous other conditions, such as infections, concussions, as well as tumors.

The treatment of headaches is one of the most researched applications of Hypnosis (Hammond 2007). Hypnosis is a method to aid in easing headaches by decreasing or preventing the impact of triggers, in addition to ease the pain that headaches cause. It is worth noting that many patients have to practice hypnosis for a number of months before they can get maximum benefit from this effective method for treating headaches.

The reduction of triggers that cause headaches.

Source: Mike/Pexels

Psychological stress is a frequent trigger of physical symptoms, which includes headaches. The majority of my patients suffering from physical complaints improve significantly with the use of hypnosis in order to achieve the state of calm for instance, by visualizing a peaceful, secure location.

Another method for patients to learn to relax can be to imagine a sailboat perched on the sternum (breastbone) just above the stomach. As you breathe in, the sailboat rises is then lowered with exhalation. Just watching the sailboat for a short time will bring a profound feeling of calm.

Auras that develop in patients before migraines are taught to employ hypnotic techniques for calming immediately after the aura begins that can prevent the beginning of.

A better sleep quality can result in an improvement in headaches. This is why the use of hypnosis for improving insomnia is a huge benefits.

The subconscious’s interactions can aid patients in identifying triggers for their headaches. This is particularly true for food choices. Subconscious exploration to explore this topic is beneficial because often patients are influenced by social norms regarding their drink and food choices that can lead them to overlook their negative consequences. For instance, think of the case of a teenager who drinks heavily during social gatherings. They may decide to drink alcohol in order to blend into his peer group.

However the subconscious generally is not concerned about social aspects. So, it could declare that a patient shouldn’t drink since it can harm him rather than being worried about his peers reacting.

Helping to Reduce the Headache Pain

There are numerous hypnotic strategies which can be modified to ease headaches. An easy one is to ask patients to visualize their headache in a specific color, then altering that color in their minds to match the hue of their head whenever it is feeling good.

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Patients may also be asked which animal might cause their headaches. One of the most commonly mentioned creatures is a woodpecker smacking the head of a patient.

Patients are then able to ask what they would prefer to do. For instance, a woodpecker might prefer pecking at a tasty tree. The patient then is instructed to imagine a tree and observe how much headache relief they experience when the woodpecker is flying there.

Another method involves patients creating the control panels they can imagine in their heads that they could manipulate to lessen the severity of their headaches.


Hypnosis can aid in treating headaches by reducing the impact of their triggers and ease the discomfort.

Copyright Ran D. Anbar