The weather headache you are experiencing is real six other headaches women suffer the most Global News

The weather headache you are experiencing is real six other headaches women suffer the most Global News

It’s true that weather-related headaches are more frequent than you’d imagine and migraines being experienced by women three times more frequently than males. The positive side? There are ways to take a proactive approach to avoid the possibility of future headaches -and even in the event that there’s no way to stop it, there are several options to manage the symptoms.

We shouldn’t discuss the physical pain that comes from headaches without considering possible connections to mental health. So we’ve sought out the expertise of a doctor from Vancouver and bestselling writer Dr. Jacqueline Fowler, as along with Vancouver-based therapist and mental health specialist Alyson Jones for us to explore the root causes of seasonal-related headaches as well as other kinds that are typically experienced by women.

Disclaimer Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be an alternative to the professional guidance of your doctor. Always seek advice from a medical professional that is tailored to your needs and your particular situation.

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Weather-related headaches

According to the Mayo Clinic, some people have a greater sensitivity to seasonal changes in weather and are more likely to suffer headaches due to this. People with this condition are more likely to battle high temperatures or bright light and barometric pressure fluctuations among other reasons.

Due to the fluctuation in weather conditions, people who have this increased sensitivity might suffer from imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin. This could lead to the onset of migraines.

What can you do? Alyson Jones, and Dr. Jacqueline Fowler suggest the following:

  • Find a peaceful spot with dim lighting
  • Limit the stimuli around you
  • Make use of a cool, damp cloth or an ice pack to your face or on the back part of your neck
  • Rub the area gently where you feel pain.

Atmospheric headaches

Environmental factors may be a factor when it is related to headaches.

“If we notice changes in our pressure in response to weather it is possible to experience sinus issues. This can lead to inflammation and congestion, which can cause headaches,” says Fowler.

Fowler adds that “These pressure fluctuations can boost blood flow to our head, and also widen the blood vessels. This sends messages to the cerebrovascular system, causing discomfort. Similar to altitude fluctuations such as those experienced those when flying is another cause of headaches.”

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Hormone-related headaches

Hormone levels are often mentioned as a significant cause of headaches for women. As Fowler says, “estrogen is an essential hormone that regulates women’s reproductive systems and fluctuation in this hormone could trigger headaches.”

“Women are more susceptible to fluctuations in estrogen levels during menstrual cycles as well as menopausal and pregnancywhich is why women are more likely than men to are suffering from headaches,” she added.

Fowler discusses the hormone-related headaches to a greater extent:

  • In adolescence, as estrogen is released and the duration, frequency and intensity of headaches rises.
  • In the course of the pregnancy, estrogen levels increase to aid the uterus in transferring nutrients to the infant and then levels of estrogen decrease following the birth.
  • In menopausal times, estrogen levels vary dramatically as the body is preparing to stop the ovaries from functioning.

Additionally the use of certain oral contraceptives could alter the hormone levels. Certain women have found that a constant estrogen level that is found in some oral contraceptives could decrease the frequency of headaches.

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Stress and tension-related headaches

“Tension headaches are the most frequent type of headache,” Jones explains. “The specific cause for this kind of headache is not understood however there are several factors that can trigger it. These headaches may cause feeling of tension and pain in the back neck, in the neck around the eyes, and even in the jaw.”

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In terms of preventative solutions available to tension and stress-related headaches, Jones suggests good posture exercise, as well as taking measures to decrease stress levels along with proper intake of water and a balanced diet.

As per our specialists Some of the most significant factors to be aware of in relation to stress and tension include:

  • Dehydration
  • Muscle tension
  • Eye strain and the glare
  • Too much caffeine
  • Food sensitivities to food
  • Inactivity and lack of exercise
  • The grinding of teeth during the night
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic pain disorders

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Primary headaches

According to the study that was published in British Journal of Pain, primary headaches are those that includes migraines as well as tension-type headaches and cluster headaches and chronic headaches. The headache you experience is classified as an “primary” one when you experience any of the following:

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  • These headaches are quite common among your family
  • It’s been going on for months or even years
  • There is no evidence of any other health issues that are a contributing factor to headaches

The headaches can be caused by the weather or food, hormonal imbalances, and the underlying sensitivities (light or sounds. ).

If you’re looking for assistance for the cause of your headaches, Fowler and Jones both agree that, even though headaches are not uncommon and generally don’t require medical treatment However, it’s a good idea to speak with your physician if you’re worried.

Typically, your doctor to perform an examination of your body and ask questions regarding the frequency of your symptoms, and evaluate your general health and lifestyle. A rising or frequent occurrence of headaches and consistent self-medication for relief from pain and an impact on your health and quality of life are but some instances when you need to consult your physician.

Then, Fowler flags, “If you’re suffering from extreme and sudden headaches, headaches accompanied by an increase in temperature, signs of vision impairment, confusion or numbness and difficulty communicating, headaches following a recent head injury or headaches that get worse with rest, or pain medications Seek medical attention immediately.”

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The widely-respected most difficult headache to manage — and uncovered through research to be the sixth most debilitating illness in the world migraine headaches are described by the Cleveland Clinic as a neurological condition that has the potential to cause chronic pain.

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When they first begin to experience symptoms, sufferers typically feel a numbing feeling of throbbing on the opposite side of the head. The sensation will get worse and amplified by the surrounding light, sound and physical movement.

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Sinus headaches

A different type of headache is usually affected by seasonal changes, sinus headaches are those that can cause pain to the forehead, high of your forehead, the cheeks and eyes, and usually, the nose.

The primary causes for the headaches that cause this is sinus congestion and blockages due to seasonal allergies, or an infection that causes congestion in the sinuses.

What can you do to alleviate the frequency of your headaches?

In the end, headaches come in all kinds and shapes, and they can differ in severity one person to the next. If you are experiencing headaches become more frequent, beginning to interfere with your daily routine or cause discomfort or pain that’s unusual and/or difficult to manage and manage, seek advice from a medical professional who is qualified to guide you through the next steps towards getting relief and treatment.

Similar to equally important is the understanding that the root of your headaches could require some research or treatment, under the supervision by a professional in mental health.

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Tension headaches like tension headaches, for instance, are often caused by emotional and physical stress. According to Jones says, “If you’re feeling a significant amount of stress A therapist can assist you in finding ways to reduce anxiety and improve your self-care. This could include mindfulness practices that can be extremely useful.”

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