Residents who observe drivers driving in a dangerous manner in construction zones should also contact the police.
PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP (Mich.) — Road construction and closures can be a pain for anyone. But for residents of Plainfield and Northlawn in Michigan, it’s the drivers who are causing the most headaches.
Residents reported that drivers drove over their lawns, and even tried to drive through construction to avoid the barricades. One car got stuck overnight on a valve box.
Tim Burkman is the City Engineer in Grand Rapids. He said, “We just ask that drivers be patient and follow the signs to respect the work zone and those who are there and navigate the area safely.”
Burkman explained that they maintain one direction at a given time. “We’re maintaining a single direction right now, southbound, while construction is taking place on the northbound side. We’re trying to get the word out, you’ve probably seen the message boards that were up, and they were there well before construction began, and just getting people to know what to expect,” Burkman stated. “We have signed for detours in the direction that’s closed and ask people to obey and follow that signage.”
Construction along Plainfield continues. Crews are installing two water mains, and replacing water service lines.
Residents near the project spoke of an incident in which a driver drove across the lawn, where new grass was just planted, running over sprinkler heads, and then drove into the construction zone, driving against traffic on Plainfield.
Burkman urges drivers who plan ahead to check the city website or call 311 to get the latest information on road closures and projects. He expects that the project along Plainfield, north of Leonard will be completed this weekend. This should ease the congestion around other ongoing projects.
Residents who observe drivers driving in a dangerous manner in construction zones should also contact the police.
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