Headaches and migraines are frequent disorders that can have a range of reasons. It’s not unusual for migraines and headaches to be related to your period.
According to research from 2009 that classified participants into categories of both genders,
50 percent
Many migraine sufferers have migraines that are related to menstrual cycles.
Some women may suffer from headaches during throughout the week prior to or on each day of the menstrual cycle Other women experience painful or throbbing headaches that are due to a different stage of menstrual cycles: Ovulation.
This article will will explore how menstrual cycle and ovulation cause migraines and headaches, and how you can reduce and prevent symptoms.
As you might be able to guess, headaches caused by menstrual cycles are connected to the menstrual cycle. The term “menstrual” headache is usually referring to migraines and headaches that can occur prior to or during your menstrual cycle.
Low estrogen levels just before you start bleeding may cause headaches.
Ovulation headaches can be related to menstrual cycles however, they occur just prior to or during Ovulation.
Ovulation occurs during your cycle that your ovaries release eggs to prepare for fertilization. The release of the egg signifies that it is the start of the “fertile time.” It is the only time in the month that you are able to be pregnant. In general, ovulation takes place around 14 days following the day you begin your period.
Ovulation headaches could be a headache of tension or migraine. Menstrual headaches and ovulation headaches aren’t the same thing
‘t typically linked to other types of headaches.
Hormones are the most common reason for both menstrual and Ovulation headaches.
As your body gets ready to ovulate levels increase. When estrogen levels reach their highest, the hormone luteinizing rises and alerts your body it’s time to let go of an egg.
’s been preparing in your ovary.
As the egg breaks loose Some people experience discomfort or pain. Others don
’t notice a thing. And some people end up with a headache or migraine due to all that hormonal activity.
Menstrual headaches or migraines may be experiencing these due to the sudden decrease in their hormone levels.
Similar to those who suffer from migraine and ovulation headaches may suffer from headaches because the levels of estrogen during this period of the cycle are high.
Another hormone known as prostaglandin that some individuals have higher levels of has been also linked to migraine.
A headache of tension and migraine that is connected to your menstrual cycle
’t necessarily have distinctive symptoms. However, this type of headache may be more disruptive to your day-to-day activities when combined with other menstrual cycle symptoms, like pelvic pain, cramps, and fatigue.
Several studies
Have found that menstrual headache causes more severe pain and lasts for longer than migraines caused by other triggers.
The symptoms of an ovulation, or menstrual headaches could be:
- The pain can be throbbing on one or both sides your head
- visual disturbances , such as blurry vision, which is also known as aura
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Sensitivity to sound
- nausea or vomiting
Because ovulation headaches are hormone-related triggers, the majority of treatments are focused on controlling the hormonal drop and peak to make sure it doesn’t occur.
’t so severe.
Although there are numerous options for treating migraine and headache that are related to menstruation More research is required that is specific to treating headaches related to ovulation.
Home remedies
- These over-the counter medications, such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil) are able to ease headaches resulting from ovulation. If however, you’re experiencing migraine, these medications aren’t as effective.
- A cool or warm compress against your head could aid in relieving and distracting from head pain.
The essential oil of peppermint can be diffused or applying diluted peppermint oil on your skin
could help in reducing
discomfort from headaches triggered by tension. - If your body is suffering from severe migraines or headaches taking a nap or resting can do wonders in helping to restore your body.
- Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep well hydrated.
Prescription medications
To treat an ovulation headache or migraine that’s currently going on, you may need to try a prescription-strength nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a class of medications called triptans.
Triptans are used to reduce the pain caused by frequent, intense headaches. They can be administered as nasal sprays oral tablet or as an injection.
If you are experiencing headaches due to ovulation, regulating your hormones through preventive medications could assist.
The doctor might recommend birth control medications in order to control the dramatic drop in hormones that occur when you ovulate. If you’re already taking Birth control medications, you might consider trying a different type to help prevent headaches during ovulation.
If you
’re having frequent migraine attacks, you may be given preventive medications to take during the time of your cycle when you tend to experience migraine episodes.
Doctors may prescribe the following types of medicines to treat migraine and headaches caused by hormones:
If you suffer from these types of headaches often or if the symptoms are extreme, speak with your doctor. They may offer lifestyle advice or specific strategies you can apply to reduce the risk of headaches.
Ovulation headaches are often due to a spike in estrogen and the luteinizing hormone that is on the rise.
Similar to other types of headaches which are related to your cycle, these headaches can be treated with hormone therapy when they occur frequently. It is also possible to use home remedies to aid in reducing the discomfort caused by these kinds of headaches.
It is important to determine what the most common headaches related to ovulation are as well as if they are alternative methods that are effective in treating this particular headache trigger.
Headaches of Ovulation

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