Opinion on migraines or. headaches: Know the Opinion – Traverse City Record Eagle



Around 40 million Americans are suffering from migraines as being among the more widespread ailments around the globe. A lot of migraines aren’t identified or treated. Other typical types:

  • Cluster headaches The most severe headache. The most commonly reported symptoms is intense pain in the area of the eye or behind it. The headaches occur in clusters and can last for at least three hours. groups that last for months or weeks.
  • Sinus headaches They occur when the sinuses are irritated and could be affected. It is characterized by a runny nose the possibility of fever, and constant discomfort in the cheekbones the nose or forehead.
  • Tension headaches Cause moderate to mild pain, and do not exhibit any other noticeable signs.

Phases and symptoms of migraine

Migraines are a painful headache that can trigger extreme throbbing pain, or a pulse-like sensation that is usually felt on the opposite part of your head. The most significant distinction between a normal migraine and a headache are the severe symptoms which often occur with migraines like intense sensitivity to light and noise fatigue, nausea and visual disturbances known as auras, and vomiting.

Migraine symptoms can manifest over a period of time or even days. Factors such as allergies, family history gender, hormonal changes and gender can result in varying degrees of migraine severity.

The episodes of migraine go through different the stages of a chronological cycle:

  • Prodromal phase occurs prior to the migraine onset and is characterized by symptoms such as emotions, mood fluctuations, fatigue, as well as a frequent urge to pee.
  • Aura Phase: Auras surface before the migraine or are aligned with the migraine’s appearance. Auras can impact speech, touch, or vision but not everyone who migraines suffers from auras.
  • “Attack” phase”Attack”: When the migraine occurs and the pain is also felt. The “attack” part can last for up to several days. The symptoms include sensitization to light nausea, vomiting and nausea can be experienced. Take a break during this period and activities that are normally routine can be difficult with migraine symptoms.
  • Postdrome phase: When the pain is gone, patients may be tired, slow and confused. While recovery begins in the “hangover” phase it may take a few days before feeling normal.

Manage migraines as well as headaches at home

The use of over-the-counter medicines like naproxen, acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can reduce migraine and headache symptoms. Do not wait until your headache is very painful before taking medication. It’s more effective if taken soon after the symptoms start. Other methods to ease the pain include cooling your head using an ice pack or frozen gel packs, drinking water to avoid dehydration and laying down in a quiet, dark room. Prevention measures include working out to avoid future episodes, and including the right amount of magnesium as well as vitamin B2 in your diet.

When should you see a doctor?

Because some of the most severe migraine symptoms are associated with serious conditions like meningitis, seizures, or strokes. Seek immediate medical attention if the following symptoms appear:

  • The headache is not as intense as it was before.
  • Double vision or blurry vision
  • Slurred speech or difficulty speaking
  • Eyelids dropping
  • Headaches that recur following an injury to the head
  • Unable to stand, and/or sudden loss of balance
  • Apathy or numbness in the extremities or face, on both arms, or on one side of the face.
  • Sudden or severe vomiting
  • The feeling of tremors or awkwardness

People with a history of headaches who develop new symptoms or signs that have not been previously evaluated by a doctor must seek medical attention immediately.

The author Dr. James D. Grant is a chief medical official for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. For more health tips and information, visit AHealthierMichigan.org.