Migraine during pregnancy treatment symptoms, causes, and when to visit an expert doctor Medical News Today

Migraine during pregnancy treatment symptoms, causes, and when to visit an expert doctor Medical News Today

Migraine is a cause of pain-inducing headaches which can be felt as an intense throbbing or pulsing sensation on either side. Someone suffering from migraine headaches might also experience sensitivity to sound and light nausea, fatigue, and light.

A woman who is pregnant may experience increased headaches which includes migraine headaches during early pregnancy.

This is an everyday situation and generally not reason to be concerned about.

This article focuses on migraine headaches during pregnancy, the causes of pregnancy-safe treatments and the right time to consult your doctor.

Headaches are common during the pregnancy period and migraine headaches being among the most prevalent kinds.

Headaches caused by migraine headaches are a form of severe headache that can affect up to

29.5 million

Americans. Around 15-20% of women suffer from headaches caused by migraine headaches in pregnancy.

Over half of those who suffer from migraine headaches in the early stages of pregnancy experience an improvement in their migraine headaches later on.

If someone suffers from migraine, they generally suffer from a severe throbbing pain on either or both sides of their head.

The pain may be felt anywhere on the head, however the person who suffers from it often feels:

  • in the temples
  • Behind one eye
  • behind the behind the

Other symptoms may accompany the discomfort. They could include:

Experts aren’t sure of the exact reason behind migraine. They do believe it’s due to irregular functioning of blood vessels in the brain.

Certain triggers could cause blood vessels to become hyperreactive, leading to migraine headaches.

The triggers are:

Pregnancy can increase the triggers.

Find out more

Learn the details about migraine.


They are not uncommon

during pregnancy.

The early pregnancy period is one when hormones are changing rapidly. A lot of women also cut back on coffee during this period and are stressed in preparation for the baby.

Additionally, pregnancy can increase a person’s sense of smell and lead to fatigue.

Although some women may notice that their headaches rise in the early stages of pregnancy, about half say that migraine headaches are less frequent during the latter part of pregnancy.

Based on The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) While migraine headaches can cause pain and discomfort for pregnant women but there is no risk to the developing fetus.

However, there are other


This suggests that studies show that migraine headaches can be an indicator of complications during pregnancy, and especially blood vessel events.

This is the case with preeclampsia. It’s an abrupt rise in blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy. If not treated, it can turn into eclampsia. This is an even more serious condition.

Experienced migraine headaches during pregnancy can be an indicator of stroke risk.

Most of the time migraine headaches in pregnancy aren’t a reason to be concerned. It is recommended to consult an expert if they are concerned about the risk.

The doctor will go over the potential risks of complications, and ways to reduce them.

A doctor should be cautious when prescribing medication to treat migraines during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that many drugs are able to be absorbed through the placenta into the developing fetusand could cause negative effects.


This list of migraine medications are safe to use during the course of pregnancy:

A pregnant woman may wish to stay clear of the majority of pharmacological treatments to treat migraine headaches.

Instead, they might want to test home remedies for migraine headaches which include:

  • resting in a dark, quiet room
  • applying an ice pack the head
  • Sleep
  • massage of the scalp and neck
  • drinking enough drinking plenty of water

Learn more about natural homemade remedies for migraine.

Lifestyle changes and self-care may assist in managing migraines during pregnancy. Some of the steps a woman could consider include:

  • keeping an eye on triggers in a journal to track triggers and be aware of them to avoid them
  • getting the proper amount of sleep
  • Staying hydrated
  • selecting the correct type of exercise approved by your doctor
  • Beware of strenuous exercise that may trigger headaches

If someone suffers from headaches that are migraine headaches at first during their pregnancy, they must seek out a physician to rule out any other, more grave reasons.

One should also consult an experienced physician if they experience headaches. is noticed after the 20th week of pregnancy, or when they experience a migraine.

Experiential knowledge


They could indicate grave pregnancy-related complications.

This article provides some solutions to the most frequently asked questions regarding migraine and pregnancies.

Could migraines cause miscarriage?

According to CHOP the migraine that occurs during pregnancy is not harmful to the foetus.

Does it make sense to suffer migraines during the course of pregnancy?

Migraine is common during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Around 15-20 percent of women experiencing pregnancy suffer from migraine at one point or another.

It is recommended to consult with a physician if they’ve never had a migraine like headache prior to becoming pregnant, or if their migraine occurs after 20 weeks or if they suffer from additional, more serious symptoms like pitting edema, as well as elevated blood pressure.

Do migraines occur in the 2nd trimester?

Migraine usually improves within the beginning of trimester.

More than half of sufferers report that migraines are less frequent when they are pregnant.

Feeling experiencing migraine headaches in pregnancy may be painful and painful, however it’s commonplace and usually nothing to worry about.

In most cases migraine is not an issue to be concerned about in pregnancy. It can improve as the pregnancy progresses.

It is recommended that a person consult an expert immediately in the event of headaches that trigger migraine headaches at first in pregnancy or if they observe symptoms of visual disturbances, swelling or elevated blood pressure.

In some instances this may indicate problems with pregnancy.