Hamilton has “a number of headaches” because of F1 bounces – Motorsport.com

Hamilton has "a number of headaches" because of F1 bounces - Motorsport.com

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In the ground-effect F1 period in the early 1980s, the phenomenon of porpoising is back, where airflow stops on the floors, and consequently disconnects and then reattaches to the vehicle.

This causes the downforce to break away and create a loop in which cars are pulled onto the track and released at greater speeds.

To counter this issue, teams have tried by increasing the stiffness of suspensions and lower ride heights however this can cause extreme bounces as cars go over bumps in the pavement.

It was revealed at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix weekend that porpoising was predicted to be back, but teams were unable to accept rule changes made last year , which sought to stop it.

Hamilton has demonstrated that the force of these movements can expose drivers to as much as 10G.

The seven-time champion was extremely cautious in removing himself of the Mercedes W13 following 51 laps of the Baku City Circuit as he was fighting back discomfort.

In response to questions about the race recovery times for 2022 Hamilton stated: “There’s much more bruising following races these days, so it takes you the majority of the week to heal.

“I don’t believe that this is anything to have to do with the age. It’s because the bruising could be extreme.

“When your body is experiencing 10Gs in the bumps you bounce over like I felt during the previous race, it’s a huge and heavy load on your lower and upper portion your neck.”

Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes W13

Photo taken by Steve Etherington / Motorsport Images

Hamilton also admitted that he has experienced more headaches after the drastic change of the vehicles.

He stated: “In terms of micro concussions, I’ve experienced a lot of headaches over the last few months, but I haven’t had a consultation with a specialist.

“I’m not taking this too seriously. I’ve taken a few painkillers.”

When asked about the strain that the other body of drivers is put under, Hamilton continued: “I cannot emphasize enough how crucial the health of our bodies is to us.

“I believe that we have a great sport in this area. However, safety must be the top priority.

“I certainly feel less tense this week. The discs (in my backare definitely not in good condition at the moment.

“That’s not the best for long-term health. There are things we can do to ensure the lives of everyone on the road… there’s no reason to have long-term injuries.”

Prior to this weekend’s Canadian GP this weekend, the FIA has confirmed that it will intervene – but it will observe but not interfere in Montreal through an instruction to prevent porpoising.

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This is due to the necessity of security and will come as “closer examination of skids and planks on both their appearance and wear.”

In addition there will be also a “definition of a metric” basing it on the car’s vertical acceleration, ” which will offer an acceptable quantitative limit levels in vertical oscillations.

“The exact mathematical formula used to calculate this metric is currently being analyzed by the FIA along with F1 teams are also being asked to contribute. F1 Teams have been asked to participate in this analysis.”

