Do you experience headaches in the days and weeks before your menstrual cycle? This could be the cause. The Indian Express

Do you experience headaches in the days and weeks before your menstrual cycle? This could be the cause. The Indian Express

Although Tina had been “happy and happy” for the majority of this month, it was clear that she did not enjoy the days leading up to and during her menstrual cycle. It was not because of the typical stomach cramps that women suffer when they menstrual cycle, however, it was due to “severe headaches” that she experienced for only three or four days each month. In sharing her story, Dr. Sudhir Kumar, a Neurologist at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad wrote on Twitter, “She hopelessly wished that these days never happened, but it was not possible.”

“She did not experience headaches at other times during the months. She was a regular woman and had a two-year-old son as well. Headaches were extremely severe, having a rating of 7 on the visual analog scale (where 10 is the most severe pain and 0 indicates an absence of any pain). Tina suffered from nausea, vomiting, and dizziness that was associated with headache. Headaches last for 24-36 hours and she was completely disabled,” he said.

The doctor explained that the headaches resulted in a severe impact on Tina’s professional as well as personal life. “She could not afford to spend adequate time to her children and husband over those 3-4 days. She also wasn’t at a point to get to work. She was a professional in software and had to regularly take a leave of 2-3 days a month,” he wrote.

The painkillers, yoga or meditation were able to assist her to get relief. Then, after examining her medical history and her lifestyle Dr. Kumar identified her as suffering from menstrual migraine (PMM). “Headaches in PMM are common 2 days before menstrual flow or within the first three days of menstrual flow (-2 up to 3). In this time, migraines can be caused through oestrogen removal,” he shared.

After the diagnosis, she chose to seek medical attention on the five days of every month since daily medications were not required. “At the one-month check-up she complained of headaches on just one day. Over the next three months, she suffered from one to two days of headaches every month. Furthermore, the length of the headache was less than 12 hours and the intensity had also decreased. Tina’s life quality was improved, and she did not have to take time off from work.” Dr. Kumar said.

What is the definition of pure Menstrual Migraine?

Also called pure menstrual headache It occurs in the menstrual cycle of women during the two days prior to the start of her period, or in the beginning of the menstrual cycle, according to Dr. Bhagya Lakshmi, Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeonat Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad. “These patients experience migraine attacks only at certain time of their menstrual cycle,” she added.

Adopting this view to this, Dr Pratima Thamke Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar explained that this may be seen each month.

What is the cause of this headaches?

According to the experts, these migraines are caused by an increase in estrogen in the menstrual cycle. “The lower levels of estrogen right prior to your period could trigger the infamous headaches,” Dr Thamke explained.

Other reasons include the use of oral contraceptives. “They might experience headaches in the week without pills due to a decline in estrogen levels” Dr. Bhagya explained, noting that headaches tend to get worse near menopausal and also during the very first month of pregnancies. “It is caused by a disruption in the hormonal cycle. The regularity of headaches might be higher because of the frequent occurrence of menstrual cycles in the perimenopausal women. Headaches may become more severe during the first trimester due to the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone,” she said.

The symptoms

Aspects of PMM could include

*Relaxingly warm

Loss of appetite






*Sensitivity to light, sound and odors

How can I stop it?

Below are some suggestions to remember:

*Eat small frequent meals. Fasting or eating in a hurry can create hormone headaches.

*Ensure you have a regular sleeping pattern and ensure that you are maintaining a healthy sleep.

Avoid anxiety and stress. Utilize yoga, exercise, and meditation to fight them.


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