Constant Headaches? Here Are the Top 10 common causes of recurring headaches – NDTV

Constant Headaches? Here Are the Top 10 common causes of recurring headaches - NDTV

Exercise and dehydration could cause headaches

A majority of people experience headaches at one point or another in their lives. Headaches or pain in the face is the most common indicator of headaches. Headaches can take on different types and types, with headaches that cause tension headaches among them being most frequent. While most headaches are not dangerous but some types may suggest an underlying condition that is serious.

The majority of people experience headaches. However, you might experience frequent daily headaches If you experience headaches more frequently than otherwise. Chronic daily headaches include a variety different headache types, rather than a singular type of headache. Chronic is the term used to describe the frequency and duration of headaches.

The doctor will determine the root of your headache, and suggest the most effective option according to the symptoms you are experiencing. The majority of headaches aren’t the result of an illness of serious severity, but there are some that could be due to an illness that requires immediate medical attention as it could pose danger to your the quality of life. This article we’ll discuss several of the commonly reported reasons that cause persistent headaches.

Take a look at these 10 causes of frequent headaches:

1. Sinusitis that is inflamed

There is a constant, painful discomfort in your cheeks, forehead or on the top the nose when you suffer from sinus headache. They occur when the sinuses, also known as the cavities on your head, get inflamed. The pain is often associated with other sinus-related symptoms like an earache, runny nose fullness, fever, or facial swelling. In contrast to the clear, clear discharge of migraines or cluster headaches the genuine nasal headache can be caused by a sinus infection. therefore the mucus that flows from your nose will appear green or yellow.

2. Dehydration

The body’s water levels are depleted when it isn’t receiving the fluids it needs. It is possible to suffer from headaches caused by dehydration. The sensation of dizziness, thirst that is intense, and dry mouth can be some of the other signs of dehydration that often occur in conjunction with headache pain. After drinking plenty of water, taking some rest as well as taking painkillers pain usually disappears.

3. Exercise

The muscles of the neck, the scalp and head need more blood while you move about. For supply, your blood vessels enlarge. A pulsating headache that occurs on each side of the head occurs and can last at least 48 hours. When you’re exercising or engaging in sexual activity, it will usually occur either immediately after or during.

4. Hunger

When you’re hungry you’ll experience this kind of headache. The longer time between meals increases the chance of getting hungry headaches. It could also be because you do not eat enough. When you’re thirsty, headaches can be a sign that you require more calories.

5. Nicotine

The headaches caused by nicotine are referred to as nicotine headaches. The main ingredient in tobacco products, like cigarettes and cigars, as well as e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco is nicotine. A headache after smoking is possible. Also, withdrawal from nicotine can result in headaches.


Within two to three days following an injury to your head after a head injury, post-traumatic stress headaches usually occur. There may be a constant discomfort, which can get more severe, including dizziness, lightheadednessor difficulty in focusing and memory problems vertigo rapid fatigue and irritability. In the course of a few months headaches may persist. Contact your doctor in the event that it doesn’t get better within a few weeks.

7. Use of medications that are not safe

The use of medications can trigger an endless pattern of headaches. When they do occur then you take more painkillers to rid yourself of them, and eventually you suffer from more headaches. The stoppage of your acute drug use as well as taking preventive medicine and then utilizing acute substances only sparingly are steps to stopping the cycle.

8. Hormonal problems

Hormone changes that take place during pregnancy, menstruation and menopausal changes can trigger headaches. The headaches are also caused through hormonal changes caused by hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills. The menstrual migraines are headaches that happen during the beginning of your period or two days prior to the start of your cycle.

9. Migraines

The pain of migraine headaches is usually described as hammering and throbbing. The most common type of migraine occurs one to four times a month and last between four and three days. In addition to the discomfort, some people suffer from other symptoms such as sensitization to sound, light or smells nausea or vomiting weight loss, discomfort around the stomach.

10. Spinal

A very severe headache can be an indication of spinal headache. The cerebrospinal fluid leaks out of the nerves. The amount of fluid that surrounds the brain is reduced by this leakage. It is possible that the brain’s structures as well as nerves could be stretched painfully as due to the loss of fluid.

Be aware of these suggestions in case you suffer from frequent headaches to learn what you can do to help or avoided. If your headaches are constant and last for a long time consult a physician to pinpoint the problem.

Disclaimer: This material, which includes advice is for general information only. It’s not an alternative to a professional medical opinion. Always consult with a specialist or your physician to get more details. NDTV is not claiming any responsibility for the information provided.

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