Biden faces political headaches after Trump’s indictment


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Fox News chyron called Biden a “wannabe-dictator” during Trump’s Tuesday night speech following his arraignment. Trump himself called Biden a “corrupt president” who, along with the Justice Department was targeting the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024.Last week, just hours before Trump’s indictment, Americans were asked why they should have confidence in the Justice Department.

“Because, as you will notice, I have never, not once, suggested to the Justice Department, what they should or shouldn’t do, in relation to bringing or not bringing charges. I’m honest,” Biden replied.

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But it doesn’t seem that voters are resonating. A Sunday ABC News/Ipsos poll found that nearly half of respondents from all political backgrounds believe that the accusations against Trump are political.

Trump pleaded no contest to 37 counts of charges following an indictment by the Department of Justice alleging that he violated Espionage Act for mishandling the nation’s most sensitive secret and obstructed the justice by taking classified documents from his presidency, and then refusing them to be returned.

Jill Biden, unlike others in the White House chose to address Trump during the campaign trail in this week. She has inspired others to do the exact same thing when fundraising trips for Biden and vice president Harris pick up in coming days.

“My heart is broken by the news headlines,” she said at a fundraiser held in New York, with an Associated Press journalist present. “I just saw on my flight that 61 percent of Republicans were going to vote and they would vote Trump. They don’t even care about the indictment. “I find that a bit shocking.”

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Trump continues to make claims that the accusations are “ridiculous”, and that they’re part of a witch-hunt against him. He often blames the current president for the situation that he’s currently in.

Trump accused Jack Smith, the special counsel who is overseeing his investigation, of being a “uncontrolled Trump-hater” and of being involved in “political hits jobs.” He has been claiming since the indictment was first released that he is a victim, and a part of a Biden administration scheme to bring down his campaign for the White House in 2024. Ironic, according to some political observers.

“It’s fascinating to watch Trump attempt to politically inoculate him from his many misdeeds,” Carney, senior policy advisor at Nossaman said. “He is one of the rare presidents who has unabashedly claimed to be a victim while committing crimes.”

Tags 2024 presidential election Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump indictment Joe Biden Justice Department Karine Jean-Pierre President Joe Biden

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