Guttural screams, every 15 minutes. H.R. is the mesmerizing vocalist of influential hardcore group Bad Brains. H.R. has been suffering from SUNCT headaches since 2014. Since 2014, H.R.
H.R. Rolling Stone. “Then, it goes away – and then it comesback.”
The pain is so intense that Paul Hudson, 67, spends his days curled in bed, dreading what will come next. H.R. has suffered from SUNCT headaches, which are Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform With Conjunctival Injection and Tearing. In 2017, he underwent a brain surgery in an attempt to relieve the pain. It left him in debt. This financial situation was only exacerbated by the headaches that forced him to cancel his 2023 tour.
H.R. H.R. “I was a bit lethargic and depressed after canceling the concert tour,” he said, “but I kept my head high and rose above it.”
BAD-BRAINS STRIK LIKEa lightning bolt in 1977, after Paul “H.R.” Hudson, Earl Hudson’s drummer brother, Darryl Jenifer, Dr. Know, and Darryl Jenifer, a bassist, joined forces to create Washington, D.C.’s most explosive Hardcore band. Bad Brains’ all Black lineup was a trailblazing act, setting the scene for many acts to come. Bad Brains’ 1982 debut, also known as The Yellow Tape and Attitude : The ROIR Session, is widely credited as a pioneer of hardcore punk. It features frenetic tracks like “Sailin’ On’ and “Attitude,” juxtaposed against the abruptly downtempo Reggae of both “Jah Calling,” and “I Luv I Jah.”
The band’s ethos was summed up by “Banned in D.C.,” a raucous punk rock anthem on the album, at least at that time. The song was written after the group had been “banned” unofficially from nearly all clubs in D.C. because of their hyperkinetic frontman, and equally chaotic crowds. Bad Brains were frequent guests at CBGBs in New York City and 171-A Studios, Alphabet City after they moved to the city in 1981. As Bad Brains’ stock began to rise in the 1980s, albums such as 1983’s Rock for Light (produced by The Cars Ric Ocasek), and 1986’s I Against I and 1989’s Quickness further solidified their place in punk rock history.
H.R. But H.R. His bizarre behavior and frequent outbursts were causing tension in the group. It was becoming increasingly difficult to portray any semblance or cohesiveness of a band. The Bad Brains’ fifth album, Rise (1993), was released without H.R. Earl or H.R. H.R. H.R. When he appeared with Bad Brains he would sometimes stare blankly into the crowd and refuse to perform. His unpredictable behavior landed him in prison on more than one occasion. He was arrested for hitting two fans with his microphone stand.
H.R. The band recorded four more albums, including 2012’s into the Future. But his instability was too much for the group and they broke up. It turned out that there was a reason: H.R. He had been struggling with an undiagnosed illness for decades. In 2013, he received a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorders, which mimics the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia while also including episodes of depression and mania.
Lori Carns tells Rolling Stone that H.R. started acting strange in the mid-to-late ’80s. He may have had some delusions. Then it got worse. He’s not schizophrenic or paranoid, but he does have a degree paranoia, because he believes what’s in his head, rather than what’s happening outside, which is another reality. People encouraged him to seek help and see a doctor but he refused. Anthony Countey and I, Bad Brains manager at the time and myself, spoke to him and gave him perspective. He finally agreed. There have been many years of confusion, inability to make good decisions and inability for him to take care of himself. “That’s why he had been homeless and transient so long.”
H.R.’s mental state is under control by medication. But when he didn’t take it, he would act out. Carns recalls a period of two years she calls “hell”. People who have met H.R. are able to relate to him. People can have wildly varying opinions about who he is.
She says that “he had different personalities every day he wasn’t on medication.” “Sometimes, he acted like an asshole and was not cool. “People who met him on those days had a different perspective.”
But that was just the beginning. H.R. This past May, H.R. H.R. had to cancel a solo tour because of his ongoing battle with SUNCT migraines. This only exacerbated the financial crisis he has been experiencing since his 2017 brain surgery. H.R.’s headaches began to lessen and he was pain-free for a year. However, the surgery was only moderately effective. Slowly, however, the attacks began to return.
H.R. H.R.
Matt Cowan/Getty Images
His spirit is still remarkably positive, despite the fact that he has built an entire career on a positive mental outlook (or “P.M.A.”, as he screamed in “Attitude”). Carns has become his full-time caregiver. He drives him to specialists, gives him his medication and makes sure he eats. Carns has been doing this thankless and exhausting job for more than 10 years. She has also had to watch H.R. Carns has had to watch as H.R.
H.R. signed a contract that paid him $20,000 upfront but gave him only 2.5 percent of the rights to Bad Brains royalties. Carns signed a contract that paid him $20,000 up front but gave him only 2.5 percent rights to Bad Brains royalties. She says she tried to rectify this with Jenifer, the bassist.
“They wrote a new agreement between Darryl and Dr. Know, and Earl and H.R. Carns says, “I thought it was a bit off so I had an attorney look it over.” “But they offered a monetary advancement, so while I worked, H.R. Just signed it and sent. “He basically signed away most of his royalties.”
“They offered me money and we had only three days to complete the task,” H.R. confirms. “I said, ‘Why not?’ but later, they changed the name and started using my ideas for new sales.”
Carns continues: “To be fair, Darryl decided to start putting in his own time and effort into better management everywhere. They didn’t know where some of their money was going. I think he looked out for Dr. Know and himself. Darryl did a lot of the new deals, like the Bad Brains Skateboard with Element or the remastering all their albums. (Jenifer & Dr. Know didn’t respond to a comment request.)
Carns has launched a new GoFundMe campaign to help pay H.R.’s mounting medical bills and other expenses. (She raised about $20,000 during a previous campaign after H.R.’s brain surgery). She is also trying to sell H.R. branded t-shirts, and other ephemera.
The H.R. Today, he’s calm, kind, and soft-spoken — and, when not in pain, he still makes music. He released “Everything You Do,” a collaboration with 311’s Nick Hexum last month, but it’s clear that this is the last time he’ll be making music.
“My plan is now to take it easy and take a rest,” he says. “I need to meet with another surgeon to see what I can offer, and do some research so we can figure it out.”
He has a message to those who stood with him. H.R. says, “I don’t think anyone should give up on me.” says. “I want people remember that I was a good fighter, and that I was humble.”

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