AZ Big Media 10 tips to help manage migraines and headaches when you fly – AZ Big Media

AZ Big Media 10 tips to help manage migraines and headaches when you fly - AZ Big Media

Nothing is more painful than being stricken with headaches during your flight. It is well-known that you have nowhere to go before the plane takes off. Once you reach your destination, you must to be able to work and not be in pain, surrounded by an uncontrollable brain fog that you can’t get rid of.

We’ve listed a few strategies you can use to alleviate migraine-related symptoms and headaches before, during , and following your trip.

Make sure you get enough sleep

It is important to sleep well prior to your flight. While it may be difficult depending on the timing of your flight. Make sure you stay within the confines of your normal sleep routine since sleep deprivation can trigger a severe migraine. If you are unable to keep a consistent sleep routine, you should take a nap prior to your flight.

Take your medications in a bag.

Before you travel, verify your prescriptions to make sure you are covered with medicines to avoid migraines. You can easily purchase migraine medications like sumatriptan tablets from the Uk. Talk to your doctor about refills, in the event that they are required. Be sure to have all necessary medications, not only for migraine, but also for all other health-related concerns. You should also take any medications you require for your flight in your carry-on baggage.

Consider using a neck pillow

The neck pillow may seem uncomfortable at times, but it is a better alternative to the rigid seats and headrests that are found on the majority of economy flights. They can provide support to permit you to lean back to relax, unwind, and rest. Additionally, they prevent your neck from developing pain or stiffness in joints, which could trigger an attack.

Block your triggers

You could be sitting under the air conditioner that is blowing. Your seatmate might order tuna sandwiches. Maybe the person sitting in front of you has their overhead lighting in the air for the whole flight.

Here are some of the most common triggers and the best way to get rid of them.

The light: Carry a sleep mask or wrap-around, dark sunglasses.

Sound : Carry Earplugs, or headphones with noise cancellation.

smells Take a tiny amount of the scent that you like or that soothes you, such as the roll-on bottle of essential oil peppermint.

Take plenty of fluids

Water is a vital instrument to overcome migraine. Dehydration can trigger migraines in a major way and you should take a lot of water. Being well-hydrated can help decrease the chances of ending having a migraine. Also, you should keep hydrated during flights as cabin air is typically dry.

Be aware of smell triggers and bring snacks

If certain scents cause migraines then you can add a nose plug or a face mask in your bag for carry-on, particularly in the presence of strong smells. Additionally, you should be prepared to bring your own food items. A lack of food can cause migraines. Have a supply of nutritious snacks, such as:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

* Popcorn

* Nuts

* Protein bars made of oats or oats

* Whole grain crackers

Beware of caffeine and alcohol during the time you’re waiting to catch your flight. Both trigger migraines.

Get your stomach settled

If you’re susceptible to nausea and vomiting during a migraine attack keep an air-sickness bag in your pocket and make sure your stomach stays in check. Some helpful actions include:

* Sip ginger ale

* Eat saltines

* Inhale peppermint candy

• Take any nausea medicine you have in your carry-on

Tell your flight attendants

Migraines sufferers are ashamed of their condition. Inform the flight attendants that you’re experiencing the throes of a migraine can help you feel more comfortable.

They’ve surely assisted many people suffering from migraines or plane headaches prior to. They may bring you items that can provide you with extra comfort, for example:

* Additional water

* Ginger ale

A blanket or a pillow

* Ice packs or heat packs

If the flight isn’t too crowded, they can move the seat to another one where you can lay down or escape from an event that has triggered you.

Reduce Stress During Travel

Are you aware that stress is a key cause of migraines? Take steps to reduce anxiety before it happens for example:

* Bring the majority of your luggage with you instead of having it checked.

• Allow plenty of time to arrive at the airport in order to make connections, rather than having to go through the airport, even if flights are delayed.

* Dress in loose, comfortable clothes and limit jewellery and accessories that might require removal during security.

• Plan your travel plans thoroughly and make sure you check for details prior to setting out.

Write down all important information to ensure that you don’t lose them.

• Arrange your transport in advance for either the airport.

Relax your ear pressure

Pressure in the ear can be like a voice pressing your head. It can quickly transform into a severe migraine or headache. If you feel that pressure is increasing, consider these methods:

* Use an antihistamine if needed prior to departure. It will reduce mucus production and stop the pressure from getting too high.

* Chew a bit of candy or gum prior to the takeoff process if swallowing and yawning do not work.

* Close your lips and squeeze your nose. then blow it softly. This could cause your ears to pop and ease the pressure.

* Do not swallow or yawn in the course of taking off.


Any travel-related activity could trigger migraines or headaches. Whatever the reason flying on an aircraft can cause sensory overstimulation. An episode of migraine may last between 4 and 72 hours. It could seriously alter any travel arrangements if aren’t prepared with strategies to prevent and defend against migraine. Make sure you are prepared combat your most frequent triggers to stop migraine.