The struggle of dealing with any type of headache can be a major pain however, a headache that occurs that affects your eyes is an entirely unique kind of suffering. In the end, you depend very heavily on your eyesight for helping you move around. So when every blink or glance causes an increase in pain it could completely disrupt your entire day.
Eyeball-pulsing headaches occur, and there’s no one specific reason for them, according to Medhat Mihail MD doctor, pain specialist, and director medical of the non-operative treatment programs at Spine Health Center at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, informs SELF. “There are many reasons that you might experience a headache around the eyes,” he says.
Finding out the root of your eye pain will help you determine the most effective treatment to treat it. find relief immediately. With this in mind, here are the most frequently cited reasons why you experience an eye strain and the best way to handle it if the headache is threatening to end your day.
1. You’re suffering from a headache caused by tension.
The most popular kind of headache, in the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). The possibility of getting tension headaches due to various reasons, like tension or stress within your scalp, neck or the head. Tension headaches usually create the sensation of the band of your head is squeezing around your head, which causes headaches in your forehead, or on both sides of on the back part of your skull as per The Mayo Clinic.
The discomfort can also extend behind your eyes as well Dr. Mikhail says. “Muscle tightness can cause headaches, 1 and the muscles around your eyes could become affected” Dr. Mikhail adds. “That may cause pain around the eyes as well as behind it.”
If you’re playing the role of a headache detective, remember that tension headaches typically develop slowly and often cause moderate to light pain as per the Cleveland Clinic. They generally are described as they’re a “dull pain,” Amit Sachdev, MD director of the neuromuscular medicine division in Michigan State University, tells SELF.
The treatment for tension headaches typically involves painkillers like aspirin, Ibuprofen or naproxen sodium or other medications that mix a painkiller like acetaminophen or aspirin caffeine, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Do you prefer to take the unmedicated option for relief? Relaxing, putting an cold compress on your head or taking a hot, long shower may aid. If tension headaches are a common occurrence for you, speak to your physician about medication that could ease the pain. Certain people might discover that certain stretching and exercises, when done under the supervision of a physical therapist could also ease the tension in muscles that cause tension headaches as per the Mayo Clinic.
2. It’s actually an attack of migraine.
If you’ve suffered from an attack of migraines previously, you probably have an idea of what’s going on. If you’ve never had one or aren’t sure it’s never hurts to review an attack that can cause a severe and tense headache that typically results in an intense throbbing or pounding pain on the head on one side According to NLM. The pain of migraine “can be present in a variety of places” such as around your eyes according to Dr. Sachdev says. “Why that the eyes become so often affected is not known.”

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