Womack Army Medical Center will conduct a mass casualty exercise in Fort Bragg – The Fayetteville Observer


Womack Army Medical Center will conduct a massive casualty exercise next week, the hospital’s officials announced.

The readiness and response training runs starting at 7 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. Thursday on the main campus of the medical center located off Reilly Road.

It has happened in the past that the instruction has been based on the effects of plane crashes, artillery collisions as well as active shooters. It also simulates an conceivable chemical, biological radiological, nuclear, explosion.

MorePHOTOS: Womack Army Medical Center mass exercise in the case of casualties

Patients might see and hear the mass casualty response from different departments of Womack Army Medical Center Womack Army Medical Center officials have said.

“Unfortunately because of the global environment we live we must be ready for a variety of current issues,” a news release from the medical facility stated. “This scheduled event is only one of many events that (Womack Army Medical Center) is charged with executing to ensure the protection and security of patients, health care professionals and personnel.”

Officials have stated that the exercise would not impact the clinics outside, including such as the Womack Health and Support Center, Blood Donor Center, the Intrepid Spirit Center or the Fayetteville Rehabilitation Clinic.

Staff writer Rachael Riley can be reached at [email protected] or 910-486-3528.