What is Eccentric Exercise? How To Perform It, the Best Exercises Women’s Health


I’m all about trying the most recent and trendy exercises. But a key element to creating an enjoyable fitness routine that will also produce significant results is to go back to the basics. I’m talking about the basics–as in, understanding the basics of how your muscles and your body move. In this article, you will learn about eccentric, concentric and isometric motions.

Let me go over the explanation. The muscles contract three distinct ways such as eccentric, concentric and isometric. Let’s look at what each of these words mean:

  • Eccentric motions occur when muscles stretch.
  • Concentric actions occur when muscles contract.
  • isometric is when muscles are in a stationary position (not being moved).

There are likely to be three types of exercise during your training sessions also. “Eccentric exercise is the process of lengthening the muscles under load or tension or slowly lowering it in opposition to gravity” Kimberly Wolf-King, Physical Therapist, DPT from Spooner Physical Therapy. Additionally, “Concentric is force generating which means it makes the muscle smaller.” A popular instances of eccentric exercise is the lowering of the squat according to Tatiana Lampa, CPT, Personal trainer, expert in corrective exercises and the creator of the Training With T app.

Find the complete guide to eccentric exercise, with seven methods that have been recommended by experts to include eccentric training in your exercise routine right here.

The Benefits Of Eccentric Training

This is why it’s important The following are the reasons why eccentric exercise is beneficial: It targets the entire body (yep all muscle groups) as well as provide several major advantages for running, strength training as well as yoga, to mention some of the many benefits. Concentrating on the eccentric movements during your workout routine may also

  • Reduce the chances of injury
  • Stabilize the system
  • Enhance your body’s anti-inflammatory reactions
  • Improve stabilization
  • Increase your fitness and effectiveness

It’s likely that you’ve heard of unusual movements even if it’s not something you even realize it. “In the real world, everything is done, even getting up and heading to the kitchen at the beginning of the day it’s our body’s way of executing an unusual burden,” Wolf-King says. “Otherwise we’d fall over to the ground.”

Apart from maintaining your body’s balance and moving, eccentric activities also have a host of other advantages. The practice of eccentrics can prevent injuries due to strengthening the musculotendinous junctions (or locations in which tendons couple your muscles with your bone) Wolf-King explains.

There is research to support it. Exercises that are eccentric stimulate creation of collagen which is the protein which helps to strengthen tendons as well as other tissues, as per an investigation published from the Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology.

Eccentric movement is also excellent in helping your body create anti-inflammatory signals, Wolf-King states. The intense exercise sends an indication to your body to create more anti-inflammatory chemicals such as cytokines. This is according to an article published of the Sports Medicine International Open.

Everybody can benefit by doing some eccentric training particularly in the case of strength training as per Wolf-King as well as Lampa. “If you’re planning to lift something it’s going to be necessary to lower that weight,” Wolf-King says. Strengthening your muscles will improve your form and prevent injuries from happening in the near future. Additionally eccentric training is more effective to build the size of muscles as well as strength rather than concentric exercise as per research that was published in Journal of Applied Physiology.

The benefits of eccentric training extend far beyond the fitness center. It is a method of stabilizing your muscles by maintaining certain positions as gravity is working against your body this is a huge advantage when you’re on your yoga mat according to Wolfe-King. Additionally, eccentric exercises are an effective method to increase flexibility in the lower limb as per a 2014 overview of relevant research that was published by The British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Additionally, Lampa says that runners or other athletes who concentrate on cardio-based exercises (hi again, elliptical enthusiasts) may notice improvements on their fitness after completing several eccentric motions.

Possible Risks Associated With Eccentric Exercise

It’s crucial to always seek the approval of an expert in medicine (whether that’s your physician or physical therapist) prior to beginning any exercise routine Wolf-King advises. Be particularly cautious if are suffering from any injuries or illnesses that can affect your joints or muscles.

When you’re doing eccentric exercises, ensure that you’re paying attention to proper posture, she says. If you don’t, you could create too much tension in your joints, which can cause injuries.

“This is really really crucial for anyone rehabbing the body” Lampa says. If you’re in rehabilitation the use of eccentric exercises can assist you in getting back to your feet quickly (again after your doctor’s approval! ).

How to Include Eccentric Exercise to Your Schedule

Now that you’ve got an extensive list of reasons why eccentric exercise is great it is possible to wonder how you can incorporate it into your exercise routine. Begin slowly: Lampa recommends focusing on eccentric exercises (the longer portion of the exercise) every two or three times per week. The basic movements you may have mastered, such as push-ups and squats, are a great way to begin.

Be aware of your body. If you’re just beginning your journey to training with eccentrics, Lampa says you should expect sore muscles to appear after your workout is done (research confirms this as well). “It’s likely to take a few days to heal from the pain,” she explains. However, she says that the feeling of being sore is an indication that you’re doing the thing right. Your body isn’t accustomed to the movements at this point.

Best Exercises for Eccentricity to Include In Your Workout

If you’re eager to start, Lampa suggests starting with these seven exercises that are a bit eccentric. For each move, do three sets of 5 to 10 reps for each one, depending on how you’re carrying. Always exhale when you finish the effort.


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  1. Begin with your legs hip-width apart.
  2. Make sure to bend your knees and slowly bring your hips back while keeping your chest elevated till your legs are nearly parallel to the floor (or at the point that you are able to sit with your heels rising, your the chest moving forward, or your knees dragging to the ankles).
  3. Stand up.

Make it unusual:Take just three minutes to sit downwards (eccentric phase) and then take one second to get back to the top (concentric Phase).

Up the ante: Hold a weight in your chest.


Methods to use:

  1. While you hold a dumbbell, or kettlebell, you should place your feet on your hips. The weight should be placed on your legs and make sure that the weight doesn’t move upwards, but remains between your legs for the entire duration.
  2. Move your hips back with your neutral spine and relax while bending your knees. You will be able to activate the glutes and hamstrings.
  3. Return to standing.

Create it to be eccentricTake 3 seconds bent downwards (eccentric phase) and then wait one second to get back to the top (concentric stage).

Push Up

Methods to use:

  1. Begin in high planks with your hands just a bit wider over your shoulder. (Optional modification: Try the reps with your knees rather than on your feet.)
  2. Then bend your elbows at an angle of 45 degrees and lower your chest towards the your floor.
  3. Remove your foot from the floor for a return to the starting position.

It can be made eccentricTake 3 seconds fall to the ground (eccentric phase) and then take one second to climb back upwards (concentric stage).

Trainer suggestion:Think of a push up as a plank that is moving Try to keep an upright spine throughout the whole duration.

Pull Up

Methods to use:

  1. Place a bench on top of an incline bar.
  2. Take a seat on the bench, then grab the bar using an overhand grip just a bit wider than shoulder width.
  3. Lean on the bar Bend your knees and then cross your ankles in front of your body.
  4. Make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades together and lift you body till your shoulders fall beneath the bar.
  5. Lower back to where you started.

Create an eccentricTake just a second to get your body upwards (concentric phase) then take about three minutes to gradually lower yourself back to the ground (eccentric stage). “I swear that I’m doing this!” Lampa says. “If you’re trying to master your first pull-up do more reps or improve your form. The repetitions that are eccentric (3-5 minutes) can be extremely beneficial.”

Shoulder Press

Methods to use:

  1. Begin to hold a pair of dumbbells that are just above your shoulders, with palms towards each other. sit with your legs at shoulder width, knees slightly bent.
  2. Push the weights until your arms are straight above your head.
  3. Then, hold, Then lower your dumbbells back to your shoulders.

Create it to be eccentricTake one second to push the weights upwards (concentric phase) and then wait about three minutes to gradually lower them back to their original position (eccentric Phase).

Bicep Curls

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  1. Stand or sit down, place a set of dumbbells at your side with your palms facing forward. Flex your elbows and pull your hands towards your shoulders slowly , and using control.
  2. Make sure you curl to the top with a bit of room between your shoulders and hands.
  3. Pause, then lower slowly to the end.

Make it odd: It takes three seconds for lowering the weights (eccentric phase) and then wait just one second for them to be lifted back to their original position (concentric stage).

Training tip for trainers:Your hand and upper part of your wrist must be still. only move your forearm away from the elbow joint.

Tricep Dips

Methods to use:

  1. Begin to grip the edges of the front of a bench or chair using your hands.
  2. Move your butt to the side and behind the seat with your feet flat and legs bent, so that your legs are parallel to floor. Arms straight. (You could also lie on the floor as demonstrated.)
  3. Bring your body down towards the ground until you are at 90-degree angles. After that, you can engage your triceps muscles to press back to begin.

Make it odd:Take three seconds to lower yourself (eccentric phase) and then spend a second pushing your body back upwards (concentric Phase).

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