Weightlifting is considered the best exercise for people over 50 Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel


Danni Twomey, 64 performs bicep curls on at her home on a Sunday in Minot. Twomey says she’s trained since the age of 13 and is determined to stay fit. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

We all have to give up our favorite foods like cheese, pasta and butter. We don’t all alter our diets as we get older and the weight increases.

It is still possible to keep a healthy weight even after age 50 , without eating fruit and nuts.

Just increase the volume.

Strength training, also referred to as weightlifting, can increase your metabolism, increase muscle mass , and help burn those calories that are a nuisance.

It was the AARP publication Healthy Living offered this and other suggestions in the June issue.

Based on the American College of Sports Medicine the American College of Sports Medicine, we will lose 10 percent in muscle mass before the age of 50. That means we’ll burn less calories if we don’t alter our eating habits and workout routines.


“Muscle is more active in terms of metabolism — it is more efficient at burning energy than fats,” according to Dr. William Yancy Jr. director of the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center in Durham, North Carolina.

“So having a higher proportion of fat to muscle will result in burning more energy — even when you sit,” he said in the Healthy Living article. “To develop that muscle you must exercise which burns calories too.”

Exercise should be paired with protein of high-quality, such as eggs and meats with low fat content. An article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that eating the same amount of protein throughout three meals may increase the strength of muscles.

It is also recommended to consume plenty of fluids. This process that brings the liquid to body temperature demands energy that burns calories, according to the study.

“Fluid intake is also crucial in the intricate process of converting carbohydrates and proteins into energy that can be used,” according Dr. Holly Lofton, director of the NYU Langone Medical Weight Management Program in New York City.

Dietitian and health educator retired from the field Eileen Liddy of Farmington offered her perspective on these suggestions.


“I recommend a mix of cardiovascular and strength exercises to achieve the most effective performance,” she said in an interview via email.

When it comes to increasing the amount of protein you consume She said that it’s okay as in that it doesn’t increase calories. Therefore, you should reduce the calories if you consume more protein.

Another issue for older adultsfor both genders has been the declining hormone levels.

“The reduction in estrogen in women may cause the accumulation of fat around the hips, but more in the abdominal region,” Yancy said. “This can cause insulin resistance, which can cause weight increase and makes weight loss difficult.”

In males, a decrease in testosterone results in loss of muscle which can cause a slowing of metabolism, he explained.

The best approach to combat this is to limit our intake of starches and refined sugars. We should also eat greater amounts of protein, and whole food and regularly exercise.


However, we don’t need to do it constantly. Walking is an excellent cardio workout and can be performed outside or inside.

Liddy claimed that she’s not aware of hormones that control appetite and satisfaction, “but I would say to you: Do not add food without removing other food items to ensure that the calories remain identical.”

She suggests keeping an eye on the body mass index which is a measure of the height and weight to determine our body’s fatness.

A BMI that is higher than 30 isn’t good, Liddy said. It is possible to determine your BMI simply by asking health doctors to determine it. If you don’t have a doctor and have access to the internet and a computer, you can visit the Calculate BMI page The Standard BMI Calculator (nih.gov).

If you don’t have access to internet You or a friend or family member can visit your local library to utilize the computer she suggested.

“Ask your librarian assistance should you need it,” Liddy said. “Librarians like to assist people find out about things.”

Sleep deprivation can also impact the weight. A study published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine observed that people who were sleep deprived consumed more food and ate more calories.

The most effective way to ensure the best night’s sleep is to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, if you can. Rituals before bed, like switching off your devices as well as changing into pajamas, and brushing your teeth at least an hour prior to going to sleep will help to signal your mental and physical body that it is time to rest.

In addition, all the strength and cardio will help us sleep more as if we were babies.

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