The Most Effective Strength Training for reversing aging after 60 – Eat This, Not That Eat This not That


Anti-aging regimens and products are in vogue at present in the wellness, health and fitness worlds. You’ve probably been exposed to everything from anti-aging skincare regimens and serums to fitness supplements and workouts popping on social media sites which claim to keep you youthful. With all the products available and advice available, you’re wondering about what actually gets the task accomplished. Making sure you take care of your skin and taking the right nutrients and vitamins will help to turn back your clock however you must also remain physically active. Therefore, we’ve come up with the most effective exercises for strength to slow the aging process after the age of 60.

The kind of exercise you perform is important. For those who are 60 years old and over should put the training for strength above all else. It is not just that you lose bone density as you get older and lose the muscle mass. Lean muscle is your fountain of youth, since it helps keep you fit and healthy for the rest of your life. Making sure you do a lot of compound exercises will allow you to build greater lean muscle mass.

Without further delay this is the most effective exercises for strength to slow the aging process after 60. You should aim for 3 to 4 sets of these exercises. Next, go through the Top 6 Exercises to Build Strong and Toned Arms for 2022. Trainer Says.


To perform this workout, you’ll have to sit before the kettlebell, with your feet a distance from the weight. Your hips should be pushed back and squat so that you can grab the kettlebell. Be sure that your shoulders are aligned with the handle, and that your body is straight. Make sure your core is tight and your shoulders back, then lift the kettlebell by pushing it through your hips and heels. Standing tall, extend your glutes at an upper point in the move. In reverse, you can put the weight on the ground before doing another set. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

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Take the lat pulldown bar by putting your hands outwards from you to the outside of your shoulders. Lean back slightly and pull the bar towards your sternum by using your elbows, pressing your lats near the low end of the exercise. Be sure to resist the climb by ensuring you keep the tension on your lats. Stretch your muscles at the top by letting your shoulder blades rise up prior to doing another repetition. Complete 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

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Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Begin the exercise by lying on an inclined bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Straighten them over your head with your arms extended. Your shoulder blades should be pulled back towards the bench while it lowers the weights to your chest. Perform a chest stretch at the bottom, and then push the weights back towards the starting position, pressing your upper triceps and pecs on the top. Do 3 to 4 sets of between 10 and 12 repetitions.


Attach the attachment to the seated rower and then place your feet upon the feetpad. Take the handle off and then fully move your legs to straighten them. Keep your chest up and push your elbows back toward your hips pressing you back and lats to complete. Make sure your arms are straight and make sure you get a great stretch between your shoulder blades prior to making another set. Perform 3 to 4 sets of between 10 and 12 repetitions.


Take the split stance by putting one foot in front and one foot back. You can lower yourself to the point that your back knee is in contact with the ground. Push yourself upwards using the front of your foot. Do all the reps on one side before switching to the next. Perform 3 to 4 sets with 10 reps on each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online nutrition and fitness coach based within Los Angeles Read more