The combination of exercise and diet isn’t enough to prevent Disease Research Shows The New York Times


New research has revealed that eating healthy and regularly scheduled exercises do not alone help to help prevent future health problems. They must be performed in conjunction.

The combination of exercise and health food does not suffice to stop chronic diseases as new research suggests. Contrary to what people believe that you cannot escape the consequences of poor nutrition -and healthy eating alone isn’t enough to fight off illness.

The majority of people realize that exercising and eating a balanced diet are crucial aspects to overall well-being. A major study that was published this week in British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that working out will not reverse the negative effects of eating fatty foods and mainlining kale isn’t able to eliminate sedentary behaviors.

“Sensationalized headlines and misguided advertisements for fitness regimens that draw consumers in with the notion of ‘working out in order to indulge in whatever they want has fueled the spread of the notion that exercise is a way to beat eating a poor diet and a bad diet,'” the authors of the study have written.

Animal studies in the past along with a handful of human studies have confirmed this and suggested that at least in the short run the strenuous exercise may counteract the effects of excessive eating.

A team of international researchers analyzed data from more than 350,000 people who were enrolled in the U.K. Biobank, an massive medical database that contains health data from all over Britain and then followed up for a decade. The participants in the study, who had a average age 55, had a healthy body at beginning of the study. This means they had not been diagnosed with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease as well as chronic pain.

By analyzing self-reported questionnaires, experts broke down diets of people according to the quality of their food. For instance, diets that were high-quality included at minimum 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables each day, and two or more portions of fish per week, and less than two portions of meat processed each week, and not greater than 5 servings of meat red each week. The study didn’t measure the consumption of non-essential foods such as desserts or soft drinks, stated Melody Ding, the lead study’s author and assistant professor of the University of Sydney.

Researchers also assessed the intensity of their activities using another questionnaire which inquired about the amount of time were walking or engaging in moderate physical activity such as carrying light weights or cycling at a steady pace, as well as intense physical activity which lasted for longer than 10 minutes at a stretch. The researchers claimed that this is the very first research to study fitness and diet in conjunction with general mortality as well as specific fatal diseases, such as cancer.

It’s not surprising that those who had the highest amounts of exercise as well as healthier diets were those with the lowest risk of death. The overall level of physical activity was linked to a lower risk of death, however, those who routinely took part in intense exerciseone which makes you break into sweat — experienced a significantly less risk of cardiovascular death due to heart disease. Even only between 10 and 75 minutes a week could make a distinction.

No matter what your diet is regardless of your diet, whatever your diet is. Ding said, “physical exercise is essential. Whatever your exercise is, eating a balanced diet is essential.”

“Any degree of fitness can be beneficial,” said Salvador Portugal who is a health expert in sports and an assistant instructor of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Langone Health who was not part of the research. But don’t just rely on your exercise routine to keep good health, he explained.

The findings confirm what many doctors have observed in their clinical practice, said the Dr. Tamanna Singh, co-director of the Sports Cardiology Center at Cleveland Clinic who wasn’t involved in the research. She said, for instance that there are many elements of heart health and “optimizing one aspect isn’t likely to improve your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.”

She is able to see patients who consider themselves as professional or amateur athletes, and they are shocked to suffer heart-related events, she added without weighing their diet. “Often they’ll call me right after an exercise and tell me”I train all day long. What caused me to have an attack of the heart?”

On the other hand on the other hand, those who had the healthiest diets in the study had significantly worse outcomes without any regular fitness routine.

However, it’s not a rule that says people shouldn’t indulge in a treat after exercising the doctor. Singh said. (She’s an avid marathon runner and is looking for nachos after running for a long time.) “If you’re, in the majority of cases conscious of what you do to your body, and deliberate about the way you exercise, then you’re performing enough.”

The study emphasizes the importance of looking at the food and exercise as a part of whole-body health said Dr. Ding said, instead of counting how many miles are required to “cancel out” the value of a cookie.

“It’s not only to burn calories.” the doctor said. “We have to change that mental model.”