Air forces from all over NATO will be testing nuclear deterrence capabilities, involving hundreds of aircraft flying over northwestern Europe beginning at the beginning of Monday (17 October , 2022). This exercise is scheduled to last through October 30, is regular, ongoing exercise in training and does not have any connection to recent world events.
“Steadfast Noon” is an exercise that “Steadfast Noon” includes 14 nations as well as up to 60 types of aircraft which include the fourth generation and fifth generation of fighter aircraft along with tanker and surveillance aircraft. Like previous years US B-52 long-range bombers are scheduled to participate. This year, they’ll be flying out of Minot Air Base in North Dakota. Training flights will be conducted over Belgium where they will host the event in addition to across both the North Sea and the United Kingdom. There are no live weapons being used.
Steadfast Noon takes place with the same NATO Ally each year. “This exercise is a way to ensure that the nuclear arsenal of the Alliance remains secure, secure and efficient,” said NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu.
NATO’s brand new Strategic Concept, adopted by Allied leaders at the Madrid Summit in June makes clear that “the primary goal of NATO’s nuclear capabilities is to ensure peace, avoid coercion and discourage aggression.” The document states that “as there are nuclear weapons, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. NATO’s mission is to ensure a safe world for everyone; we strive to create a secure environment that will allow a world free of nukes.”

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